Monday 14 November 2016

Children's Day in India....

All children are born as princes and princesses. They are adorable and innocent. Children are the gifts to the parents by the Almighty. As parents it is our duty and responsibility to lead them in the right path of life. Children learn more from what you are than what you teach them.Let your children observe you, hear you and see you to follow their life.  Spent enough time with your kids to assure them they are capable of everything to make them successful human beings in life.

sweet picking competition

 In India November 14 is celebrated as 'Children's Day'. As a tribute to our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru also called 'Chacha Nehru' it is celebrated on his birthday. Jawaharlal Nehru gave emphasis to the kids all over India by giving love and affection to them to encourage their growth and welfare who are the bright future of the nation.
The first children's day was celebrated in 1954 in India and the idea of a universal Children's day suggested by V.K.Krishna Menon was accepted by the United Nations General Assembly. In 1959 October it started to celebrate universally. Afterwards it is celebrated on November 20th as it is the day of declaration of Child's Rights was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly.
In India it continued to celebrate Children's Day on November 14 itself to honour children and Jawaharlal Nehru on his birthday. The main celebrations of Children's Day includes cultural programmes, events and activities for children in schools, play groups, crèches and other organisations with the assistance of Government departments, corporates, NGOS, Local bodies and residential associations. A variety of competitions are organised for the children with active participation of teachers. After the programmes gifts are presented along with delicious food packets/ sweets to the children. All India Radio(AIR) and Television channels air special programmes and films on the day. Children's Day is a festival for children, teachers and parents. It is the day of joy, freedom and to express children's talents and involve in fun.

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