Monday 14 November 2016

Manage anger to enjoy peace....

Anger is a negative emotion. It is humane to be angry. We all have a lot of misunderstandings and annoyances to deal with. We will get quick result when we are angry. It may get done on one side or it may last long with a lot of arguments with no results. At the end the relation with the person, the words from the person and the body language of the person all will start the work on us which can totally upset us. If it is a rare event let it go. But if angry is your style to face any situations then it needs to be corrected. Otherwise it ruins you, it ruins our spouse and it ruins your family.  Anger is a punishment we give to our self.
It is wise to get away from anger and handle with mindfulness. If you are angry on a situation take time to think why you are angry, whether it will benefit you, think about the side effects of anger in you. The irritation you have after the incident, your physical and mental state, lose of appetite, non cooperation with family members, unable to have fun with kids and after all sleepless night. In turn it will disturb your mood, rise your blood pressure, upset your digestive system and provides you with headache, back pain and fatigue.
Start steps to explore your anger. Why to get angry to some others deeds and words. You are not responsible for their words or deeds. So why to worry. Practice to not take those things close to your heart. Nobody is going to blame you for somebody else's acts. Build up a strong feeling that you are not at all involved. Get away from the negative decisions on their talks. Write it down and see where you stand, what are your feelings and what are their approach and how can you be insecure with that.
Now it is clear it is not your job to clear others it your job not to get angry, not to under estimate others and not to feel insecure and not to spoil your life. List out your needs such as what you value, how to communicate effectively, how to improve yourself, how to be friendly with others, how to be flexible and how to come out with better solutions. Start to meditate on your needs and to get rid of your unwanted emotions and misunderstandings. Love yourself and love others. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Bless your opponent that you feel and accept blessings from the Almighty. Fill in with positive affirmations of positive thoughts and send positive rays to the opposite person. This realisation helps you to manage yourself from negative vibes to positive vibes. Continue this simple meditation in your life and include in your daily routine to manage the anger which punishes you and destroy your family.

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