Wednesday 9 November 2016

Learn the Art to Relax

Regaining the control over physical and mental states is the real art of relaxation. Even though the art is simple relaxation is very powerful technique to live peaceful. The advanced and fast technology today is exhausting one's body and mind. Unless in olden days all every where need to be alert with the latest electronic devices they own. Simply speaking all are tied around the clock. We all need balance in our life to relax. We need to set aside time for official, family and personal life. That is the place where we struggle we are not getting enough time to balance our personal activities because as I mentioned earlier we all are on 'on call' 24/7. Rather than relaxing now a days people are busy with their office computer even in late hours at home to send emails, finish an urgent report, connecting with colleagues in different countries and to watch their projects 'go live'.
Take a break from routine and enjoy holidays.
Daily breathing and meditation is the gateway to enjoy relaxation.
Prioritize your tasks and find time in between to relax by enjoying a massage, hot bath and nice meal.
Practice to do less and make the time for self care and also embrace laziness to enjoy your own time.
Take time to think and focus on yourself, on your goals, strengths, weakness and dreams.
Find stipulated time everyday to be with your spouse and kids.
Focus on a nap even on the couch.
Go deep into your favourite book and get lost in it.
Listen to calming music with a meditative mind.
Try to enjoy humour and have fun by smiling and laughing. Join a laughter yoga club.
Go for a walk with a like minded person your spouse or a friend.
Before bed, rewind the day and analyse it for a better tomorrow and feel gratitude.
Have a good sleep of at least six hours in the night to wake up relaxed.

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