Friday 11 November 2016

Be busy and be happy in life...

People use to say that, let me check my calendar to see whether I have no other appointments. Age is not a criteria now a days to be busy. Every body from kids to seniors need to check their appointments to see whether they are free or not. For kids parents will look and find it out. Where are we now? We are human being rather than human doing with a long to- do lists. There is no things in the life making one so busy to get away. It is the priority of the individual to focus attention on more important activity. That is not at all a wrong, you are on the right track. But it is also a beautiful approach to get away from events and not to hurt the feelings of others by just saying I am busy. Thus it is the simple way of getting away from least bothered things by being and projecting that you are so busy. So being busy is nice, but it should be in a humane way.
In my life I understood one who is truly busy can do all the activities and attend others also in their busy life. There are the other category who are always busy to find excuses to get away from the unwanted things in their list. I am a busy person in life. I was and am blessed to do, attend, participate and serve without saying an excuse of not having time or I am too busy. Things are usually done by the busy person if at home, family or in work place. Such people can always and they are ready to stretch out their hands. We all have 24 hours in a day. We are free to use it as our wish. How to use it depends on the person, whether to do it compassionately or do it by getting away because of busyness.  Busyness is just about priorities. It is the way of projecting self and it is also the way to shadow one's laziness. On the other side busy people are winners in life, systematic in life, energetic and vibrant in life and happy in life. If we have priority, no doubt we will find time for it even if to meet a friend, have fun with family, to visit a friend in the hospital to attend a birthday/marriage/meeting/get together or funeral.
But care should be taken that the busy schedule should not affect your personal and family life. Relaxation and socialization are also equally important along with personal care in a busy life to stay healthy and happy. 

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