Thursday 10 November 2016

'LIFE' is an Event to Celebrate....

When I read the quote, Celebrate the event 'LIFE', yes I can celebrate to live a happy life.
But it wasn't true in past. I travelled back in my life to look into the areas where I won't celebrated in my life. I was brought up in an orthodox family as a 'God fearing child'. Now I can clearly say kids are to be brought up not as 'God fearing but as God loving'. When we fear something or even fears God means we can't move forward. Fear is the worst enemy in one's life making them not to laugh, enjoy, celebrate and not to be happy. There was such a time for me in my life. In my teens I was very afraid to celebrate. If I wrote an examination and till the results come out there was no celebration in my mind and thus my life. I was an intelligent kid, the results were good always, but only after the results are out I will be able to celebrate and enjoy life. The in between period was sure for me hiding inside a shell without thinking, observing, seeing and interacting the beautiful things happening around. This results in building a strong belief in me, only because I am getting away from the happy world around I am blessed with the good results in the examination. Like wise for all personal good things in my life I used to stay away from the happiness part. I was really not aware of my drawback in my life and there was nobody around me to correct it, might be because nobody felt that I was fearful within. Unknowingly, out of fear only I was simply wasting my time and life.
At seventeen I joined a professional college in the capital city of our State and was like in a wonder world of young and energetic youths. The charming and lovely girls in our hostel opened up my eyes and made me how to cheer up in life with faith in 'God'. Slowly I became more aware that nothing can be done with my performance in the exam once it is over. I have to study and get well prepared before the exams for excellent results. That is it. Have complete trust in God and leave it safely in God's hands. This taught me that 'past is past' and live in the present. Also taught me to get away from fear and embrace love.
So the great message is 'Live while you are alive'. Don't fear failure or death, because those are not the losses in life, loss is when life dies inside you while you are alive. While you are alive go for a life as you wish and as you love along with your dear ones and without disturbing your close family. Do not set apart events in life to celebrate next time. Every time have a mind to get along with the humour, jokes, happiness, smile and laughter. If you want to laugh go ahead laughing till your eyes are flooded with tears. Keep your inner child awake to enjoy your passions like dancing and singing when it allows, visiting places, relatives and friends and serving the community to celebrate all the events in your life. Everyday is an event. Celebrate this 'Life' which has an identity for you.

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