Monday 14 November 2016

Vision of a Kinder World....

November 13 is the 'World Kindness Day'. It was so nice to have it on Sunday in 2016. The whole family can be together and enjoy the power of kindness. Kids at home can be given tips of kindness by showing deeds of kindness to elders at home, not only to people but also to all living creatures such as taking care of pets, watering plants, socialization tips, hello to neighbours and treat the peer group at public fun spots with kindness which helps the kids to focus on good deeds and concentrate on the positive power of kindness that binds the human relations and motivates to overlook the mankind irrespective of race, religion, gender and boundaries.
 Kindness is not only an emotion to express when one is sick/poor/in death/suspension/dismissal etc. It is to be showered all the time from our heart to all those who are around us. When kindness spreads we can receive it back. Each and every member in the family need kindness. Not the kids or the aged. All irrespective of age need to be treated with kindness. The day set aside is to remind each and everyone about kindness. Kindness emerges when one is egoless. Simply offering donations are not kindness. It should be offered with a kind heart.
The history of Kindness day happened at a conference in Tokyo when a group of humanitarians of World Kindness Movement a coalition of nations kindness NGOS came together on November 13, 1997 and made a 'declaration of kindness' taking pledge on kindness and donating clothes, books, food to the local community. From 1998 every November 13 is being celebrated as 'World Kindness Day'. It is observed in many countries including Canada, UAE, UK, Australia, Japan, Italy, India, Singapore, Brazil, China, New Zealand, Thailand, Switzerland, Malaysia, Liberia, France, South Korea, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, Ukraine, Oman, Scotland, Romania, USA, Pakistan and Nigeria. Australia has initiated the day to mark on the National School Calendar in 2012 for over 9000 schools. Now schools across the world are celebrating 'World Kindness Day' and work with the local Government and social organisations to be kind with the universe. Kindness can be shown to everyone coming across by a smile, a shake hand, by a hug, by an appreciation, by being a good listener, by spending time with an aged, by doing service in old age homes, orphanages, social organisations, hospitals and being a member of palliative care units. Kindness is an act of being kind by an individual with nice behaviour of care and concern for others to change the world into a better and kinder place to dwell. World Kindness Movement (WKM)  an international move with no political or religious affiliations is now recognised as the peak global body of kindness. The mission of WKM is to motivate and inspire individuals towards greater kindness and to connect the countries to create a kinder world. Let us take part in this movement and realise the dream of a kinder world in our life time.

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