Thursday 3 November 2016

Practice " To walk away from Negatives"

It is too hard to live a positive life around negative people who are having a pessimist outlook. They are not doing it intentionally. They have become negative out of their fear in life. Fear leads to doubt, worries, jealous and anxiety.  Those category of people around us unknowingly make others also to be on the negative side. Such people will have zero space in them for allowing positive seeds to germinate and grow. We can meet and see such type of people everyday, may be at home, at office, at get together and in communities. If one can't recognize the negative attitude then it is easy for you to become a victim of cluttered unhappy and mind. These people won't allow others to be proactive, they always push down others quoting the failure part of any event, incident, venture or a business. They love to comment on all activities and make others feel not to be comfortable to proceed further and tempt them to be on the inactive side. They love to argue, to disrespect, to ill-treat, to be opportunistic, to manipulate, to criticize and to be stubborn. The routine activities for these people are to prioritize their own needs and feelings over and above everyone else's. They would love to control others and want others to bend for them but they never stand for others when others need help. Don't allow any one and your own inner critic to poison your mind and soul to get away from the things you like to do.
If you want to care about your wellbeing, walk away from such people to make more space for positivity in your mind. 'Walk away' does not mean to hate those people dwelling on negative thoughts. Wish them good and also pray for them to get into the positive track. Here the positivity includes confidence, trust, love, respect, kindness, self-esteem, empathy and compassion which makes you strong enough to live a happy life. When you walk away from negatives you can be the real you without a mask and with a courage to be yourself. Ignore and walk away from those negatives to live your purposeful life.
Walk away from arguments that lead you to anger or sadness, walk away from thoughts that let you down and lessen your worth, walk away from failures and fears that suppress your dreams, walk away from people who deliberately put you down and who do not support and guide you to live a healthy and happy life. Ignore and ignore such instances and people purposefully. You can practice hide and seek to avoid them. You can plan your routines in such a way not to get interfered by those whom you want to get away. This will help yourself to walk towards love, peace, kindness and goodness and enjoy the life on your way. Have faith in the Supreme Power' and you will be able to walk in the right direction.

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