Wednesday 2 November 2016

Daily Yoga for a Blissful life....


Daily Yoga is the gateway to perfect health. Health is about vitality, vigour and energy and the gateway to happiness. Both health and happiness result in the harmony of body and mind and bliss of the soul. Harmonious life helps one to turn towards the universe rather than concentrating on self. Harmony creates the rainbow in life which induces bliss, wisdom, peace, love, happiness, purity and strength. Harmony helps one to control and get rid off fear, anger, doubt, jealousy, greed, anxiety, worries and stress from their lives to strengthen the body, mind and soul.
                                                              Yoga educates one to care self, to love self, to respect self, to heal self and to guide self which in turn builds up wellness in the family, community, society and in the world. How we treat ourselves and others have a reverse effect on us just like a 'boomerang'. Being dishonest to self and others hurts one physically and mentally. What we give will come back to us. Smile at the world to experience world smiling back. Yoga helps one to develop positive state in their approaches in life. An optimistic person will be always be kind and pleasant with empathy and compassion not only for others but for self also. The secret living longer and increasing life span is not about quantity but about quality of life.
                                                                 At the age of thirty three I became a great fan of 'Yoga'. Since than 'Yoga' is my intimate and true friend. Now at sixty three still 'Yoga' is guiding and leading me on the healthy path to lead a life with purpose and to find beauty in the world. Yoga provides me health, happiness and harmony enabling me to take part in harmony of the universe. Yoga taught me to become more and more humane. Yoga  gave me the lesson, that happiness has less to do with money and more to do with the people around us. Conscious breathing, asana, exercises, meditation and relaxation are the practices included in my daily yoga. Half an hour is kept aside on every morning for yoga. Now for me yoga is part of my life being the breath of my life. Yoga is making be healthy both physically and mentally and enlightening me spiritually. Yoga helps me to face the challenges in life wisely and to age beautifully. What ever I learn I love to master in it for self growth and to serve for the needy in the community. At the age of forty I underwent the master course in Yoga and became a master in yoga. Now I am an author of books in yoga and life style.
                                                                Today I got an opportunity to teach yoga for our neighbour and her friend in San Antonio. I am thankful to the 'Supreme Power' for the abundant blessings showered upon me.

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