Saturday 12 November 2016

Bhajans for energy and enthusiasm....

Cuckoos can sing all the time. But in spring all the birds sing even the crows. People who have not learn singing can sing very well in bhajans.  They are not shy or shameful to sing. The devotional songs are flowing from them like pure water. Love and devotion in one's heart keep them singing devotional songs in the spiritual gatherings. Singing bhajans allow one to stay in vigour and vitality. Also help others in the group to sing along which creates a positive vibe in the spot making all in the feel of oneness.  Devotional singing (bhajan) is like an unbroken stream of bliss. While singing the bhajan the orchestra of mind, body and soul blend into perfect harmony of contentment. The words and lyrics of the bhajans help one to experience the love within and the divinity form God. Singing in the group one can experience the waves of vibration helping us to see God in each other. Each bhajan song can be lead by each of the person in the group. The person sing a line allowing others to repeat in unity in the same tune, rhythm and thalam. Bhajans should be sung knowing the meaning of the lyrics and performing the bhavas of the song.
Bhajan is a thrilling experience to be sung from the heart, which makes all the participants carry the uplifted and elevated mood by the spiritual atmosphere. As far as possible attend bhajans to get purified and divine.

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