Friday 20 January 2017

Yoga as a service....

Being a yoga master I love to share and teach yoga and meditation where ever I go. At San Antonio I got an aspirant who want to know about yoga and meditation and learn about it. My twelve day package went well for her. In the package included lessons on breathing, exercises, asanas, meditation and relaxation. Her commitment made her able to win it. She loves to do yoga. The benefits I got was that I consciously did my part of practising asanas and meditations to teach. Teaching and learning is a give and take process. It did good for me as well as for her. That is the great serviceable part of yoga which I value as the best part. Yoga is a divine branch of study.
Yoga is a science that has been practised for thousand of years. Yoga enables to unite body, mind and soul. Yoga helps to focus on how to maintain balance and concentration while increasing your coordination. In yogic tradition flexible spine is the key to you and vitality, because life force (prana) can move easily through a supple spine. Just like a tree which bends down with the wind without breaking. Yoga has been known to balance and maintain the endocrine system as well as normalise the gastrointestinal function. Yoga teaches you to sharpen your bodily consciousness and focus your attention in a meditative way.

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