Sunday 15 January 2017

Are you a Victim.....Bye bye Victimhood...

Who are the victims in life? Victims are those fits a filter in their mind and view life through the filter. Those who live on excuses are the filter owners in their mind. They love to blame others for every thing in their life. they favourite words are,' it is not my fault, because of he/she/them it happened or they did that to me.' The main reason of feeling like a victim is the feel of powerless. Being powerless the tendency to blame someone or something else will become their habit believing that they cause the feeling the whole world is working against them. This makes the victims feel like they deserve to suffer this. You are in real prison now. Nobody will be there to release you from your prison. You need to come out with a proper plan to get released from your victimhood.
Stop blaming others for your failure. Consciously find out the role and reasons where you can work out. Be kind to yourself to release yourself. Practice gratitude in your life by learning the lessons in each and every experience you have. Visualize the challenge in front of you and strongly wish and build up self-confidence to come out with success and go for it. Delete all unwanted memories from your mind and be kind to others rather than blaming others. Now it is time to shift your victim mentality to a survivor mentality. When a victim thinks of when to feel good a survivor thinks to feel good all the time even in low and high. Feel you are powerful and you are free to live your own life in a successful way. Bye bye victimhood!

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