Monday 9 January 2017

Signifiance of a hand wirtten Thank you note....

Today I got a lovely hand written thank you note from my yoga student on the completion of the course. I was so excited to pen and read that in front of her to show my gratitude. The simple and beautifully hand written card was more than what it seemed. It was a real treasure in the sealed cover. I was truly uplifted by the heartily and lovely words she wrote and the experience we had together. I was amazed to know about myself through her writings. I felt the warmth special care towards me in the note.
 Now a days the art of writing thank you cards are lost. The lasting value of the hand written note can't deleted since it is in our hands. It has a great personality and I can be share the beautiful and lovely words written with my friends back in our social organisation revealing the truth how much we can be part of the community where we are. In this advanced era there are a lot of excuses for not going for a hand written thank you. People are having their iPhone, iPad and computer with them to do the job more easier. No need to find the materials required and no separate time to take to do the work.
Hand written thank you notes are so special to express your love, kindness and appreciation unlike the digital thank-you. Hand written notes are from the heart.The digital one is not at all personal and not weighty. The personal care, warmth and elegancy reflected in the handwritten notes are really great.

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