Tuesday 10 January 2017

A hand written Thank you card a real gift and great treasure...

I got a great opportunity to teach yoga to our neighbour. I thank the Almighty for having such a lovely experience. As a part of serving humankind I whole heartedly accepted the new offer even though I was too busy with my cute grandsons and my writings. The first and foremost thing was I was able to do my yoga for teaching my beautiful friend. I prepared a schedule for yoga in which breathing, exercises to all the body parts, asanas in sitting, standing and lying postures, meditation and relaxation. My student was saw keen in learning the new art and she succeeded in doing it. Thank you my dear for your studious mind-set and positive attitude to learn the most amazing self healing programme in one's life. Yesterday was the last day of our programme we had a winding up session refreshing her favourite postures. We together fixed a schedule incorporating all the basics and steps to follow on a daily basis. In the interactive session, I was totally amazed to know how she took it seriously to learn Yoga and meditation. All the very best to you my dear and stay blessed.
The words and lines written in the thank you card received from Iustina is highly inspiring and motivating to keep up my service throughout my life to make a difference in the people and in the world.

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