Wednesday 11 January 2017

Karma is about doing good....

What is Karma? One day I got the question from an aspirant. Karma is about doing good and living a simple and humble life without expecting anything by return. Karma is also about doing well for one's own inner peace and for the wellness of the universe. But karma is misunderstood that somebody else gets a punishment based on their own karma. Also it is a thinking that good life is for those doing good karma and bad life is those for who does bad karma. Karma is not the word to use when life goes in the opposite way or just to get satisfied and say that wait until the karma comes back to the person. Connecting with Karma is more about doing and living a life with love, hope, faith, happiness and gratitude. As per Bhagavad-Gita," Karmacheyyuka nammude dharmam, karmaphalam tharum eeswaran allo" meaning is that 'do your work wholeheartedly for which we will be awarded by the Almighty'. Karma yoga is 'the reaction free devotional work'. It is so clear that leading a life of mindfulness, acting more kinder, more humane and compassionate in the present is the most devoted karma one can do. Karma relates to happiness and bliss. Karma is the positive energy we spent in our life and the goodness we do in favour of others and karma is not at all be considered as the way of taking care of the things in one's life in future for doing bad things.
Doing good for self and others inspires and motivates you to be more and more good in life by your thoughts, words and deeds. Here the person performs the duty selfless. The spirit, soul, mind and destiny gets aligned to live a better life.

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