Saturday 14 January 2017

Is it wise to keep away from conversations....

It is wise to keep quiet when there is an argument. It is suggested to get away from arguments or disagreements. The people who are not commenting, are listed in a category of good people. That means they are ready to sacrifice their emotions, time, space and many more for the win and happiness of others. But the real thing may be or is they are having a weakness to communicate. This is out of the fear of rejection and of becoming more comfortable not saying anything at all.
They always like to follow others and like to say I am ready to go with them. Let them decide I shall follow. Getting older these good people are having more chances to get isolated and lonely.
Suppressing the emotions of any kind will lead one depression. The pressure to hide or suppress their emotions leads them to get away from social life. They lack the communication skills and thus they lack even their life with poor eye contact, crossed hands and stiff postures. Being a poor communicator the individual will not get an opportunity to get involved in any kind of activities. You are simply damaging your soul, mind and body. Suppressing emotions lead you to a panic mode within and hold in the toxins which creates some sort of pain in the body, denies freedom of the brain to work properly and results in serious physical and mental illness.

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