Wednesday 4 January 2017

Wise Women are strong enough....

There is a saying women are gossipers. I don't believe in it. It the super power a woman that she has the power of talking and she is not at all bored if talking for hours and hours, days and days to the same person or the same group.
The important fact is that don't get interested in talking about people and interfere in their matters which is none of our business, than it will fall in the category of gossiping. So let us change the belief of the mankind and do some thing different to make a difference in the world.
There are a lot of subjects around us to make a discussion from demonetizing to launching on the mars. So go discussing on national and international affairs without insulting persons. Discussion can be on dreams, desires, fears, strengths, ideas, life, space, art, film, food, memories and plans. These discussions help women to talk boldly and be part in the main stream of the society. Let us make the society to say 'women are strong enough like men in their thoughts and they work hard in their life'.

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