Thursday 19 January 2017

Don't afraid of a bend... Take a turn with faith in God...

Some times we have hard days and time. But remember happy days and good time are ahead. The positive attitude towards sad and difficult times will truly lead you to an amazing life with wonders.
When you lack hope remember you are going to have confidence, so go ahead.
When you feel you are going to fail remember success is waiting for you.
When your friends are gone remember in the new place you are going to have new.
When you are alone in sorrows feel free to call your intimate friend to share it.
 When we lose hope don't think that it is an end in life.
That is life. Ups & downs and downs & ups are in life. What ever we plan, life has its own plans.
God the Almighty is there to protect us from the bend and take us straight to the destination.
Relax and trust in God.

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