Saturday 7 January 2017

Embrace Life and move forward.....

There are grieves in one's life. The intensity of the grief based on unexpected tragedy will shook the person as trapped in a storm or cyclone. It makes one numb and is too hard to believe the loss happened in life is real. The reality slowly occupies the situation. It can create sadness, fear, anxiety, stress, insecure feeling and much more which cannot be negotiated at any cost. It will last forever in one's life. The bereavement should be accepted. But the intensity of acceptance varies from person to person. Here opens the way to move forward in life. Your life is in front of you, you must live your own life. Embrace your life and get ready to move forward by having faith in 'Almighty'. The pain will be in the heart and of course it must be felt but try your best to manage it go on. Let it come and go. Don't allow to paralyse your life and your close one's life. Coping with the great loss,  understanding the reality happened in life and the life of yours in your hand, will awake you and remind you to be kind to yourself to continue your life journey. 

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