Sunday 15 January 2017

Power of Peer group

We are away from our place for the last few months. Really missing the peer group relation. In a lunch party we were surprised to see a few seniors. The moment I saw them, felt just like a kid. We don't know each other. Got introduced and there we started our fun. We were together during snacks, main meal and desert time. Even though winter here, the weather was very pleasant so we managed to have a walk in the neighbourhood after snack time. It was so amazing to enjoy the pleasure with a peer group even we were not knowing before.
This reminded me to fresh up the importance of peer group support in all age groups. We can be really smart when we are in a peer group. It is the place of same feather birds where we are free to express anything. In a peer group, we are creative, innovative, transparent and above all very happy. Peer group support can be utilised as a human resource potential for all the ventures. There will be no interest for conflicts, no hidden targets among members and no space to let down. Greater insight, better tactics, great confidence and above all freedom to express and initiate is the beauty of peer group support.

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