Thursday 5 January 2017

Resolution for 2017....Make it a habit through continous practice.

Nice resolution for 2017.
Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure.
We all like to get trim, so the easiest way is to eat half by restricting to two meals a day.
We want a healthy physique, so love walking to have a great physique, to breathe fresh air, to say hi to neighbours and to enjoy nature.
Laugh triple to live long, to live happily and to make others around us more happy and healthy.
Love is the most strong emotion within us. Use it liberally to love ourselves, to love our family, our friends, our colleagues and the universe.
Let us live long in peace, being more strong, more healthy and more happy.
Don't let the resolution get aborted on the way. Strong will and a burning desire with disciplined workout and commitment is the success keys to achieve your resolutions through out the year. Make it your routine and practice till it becomes your habits. Nothing is impossible. Let us prove that to the world.

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