Thursday 12 January 2017

Thoughts are powerful...

Our mind is full of different thoughts. May be happy or unhappy thoughts or may be positive or negative thoughts. Any way nobody is ever free of thoughts from their mind. When somebody ask, what is in your mind, the answer will be nothing. Is that true. No, a lot of thoughts might be there in your mind. That may not at all be any important. But it can also be very powerful to affect your life. We use travel from thoughts to thoughts depending on the situations where we are. Some times sad thoughts, some times craving thoughts and sometimes happy thoughts can rule us. Sad thoughts will make us unhappy where as happy thoughts make us more confident and strong.
Be aware, is the key to get rid of bad and unwanted thoughts. Write down the thoughts coming into your mental picture in a paper. Before bed each day make your mind to get away from the bad thoughts and  tear the paper of bad thoughts into small bits and put it in the trash. It is gone. Again consciously repeat the exercise for the coming few days. You can watch the positive change happening in you. Enjoy positive thoughts and lead a happy life.

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