Monday 16 January 2017

Let us support the disabled.....

Last week the salt bottle slipped from my hands while making scrambled egg for my eighteen month old grandson. The baby was also with me. He loves to watch cooking. Then I thought this is not the first time. It is happening now a days most often in the early hours. Here it is winter. So analysed the problem myself and arrived such as due to winter, due to aging and due to carelessness. Now consciously am looking to find the reason. Also we can see when aged, the work, the sight, the hearing and communicating abilities and other activities will get back and slow in seniors. Commonly theses people will get or may get categorised as disabled. Then now the point is that whether are they meant to sit comfortably somewhere with a no activity plan. Are they handicapped. No never. The are they disabled. Yes, but remember disability is associated with aging. Disability is not the end of he world. No one should be set aside being disabled. Let them be one among them with the right supports in the right time. A spectacles, a wheel chair, hearing aids and kindness are more than enough to forget and live a satisfying life along with their disability. Give them hope on what the strengths they still possess rather than reminding them what they lost. Let us all think to help, support and provide the persons with a disability around us, in our family, among our friends and neighbours with compassion, kindness and confidence to live their life happily.

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