The seven centres in our body has a corresponding colour of that of a rainbow. VIBGYOR is the colour of rainbow. 'Vibgyor' is the easy way we learned to remember the colours of the rainbow in our childhood. Today I gave this technique to my yoga student to remember the colour of life centres in our body. The colour of the chakras is associated with the present emotions one have. When the chakras are balanced the colour is clear, otherwise it can be faded or even too bright. It is in the hands of an individual to visualize and meditate on the chakras to balance it to lead a healthy and happy life. The root chakra located in the tail bone end is red which indicates strength, sacral chakra located below the navel is orange which indicates purity, solar plexus chakra located above the navel is yellow which indicates happiness, heart chakra is green which indicates love, throat chakra is blue which indicates peace, the third eye chakra is indigo which indicates wisdom and the crown chakra is violet, the colour of spirituality which indicates bliss. This information is great to know in cleansing the chakras to balance and heal it.
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