Sunday 22 January 2017

How Fingers are related with our body and Health

Your fingers are greatly associated with health. You can use your fingers as an index of your health. They speaks the vital clues of your wellbeing. It is a simple method to get relief and stay healthy. Go for a minute self healing procedure in your own fingers.
Thumb is related with heart and lung. Rubbing your thumb for a minute relieves you from palpitation and breathing trouble.
Index finger is associated with colon and stomach. Rubbing your index finger relieves you from constipation and diarrhoea problems.
Middle finger is related to the heart, circulatory system, respiratory system, blood and bowel. Rubbing your middle finger relieves you from nausea and dizziness.
Ring finger is related to emotional attitude. It has a powerful influence on your moods. Rubbing the ring finger while you are in a sad mood can quickly change you calm and relaxed.
Little finger is associated with kidneys, spondylitis and migraine. Rubbing your little finger relieves you from the discomforts.
Sit in a relaxed mood ready for rubbing your fingers related to the disorders. Stretch out the concerned finger and rub it with the other hand with a little force. If you have enough time you can do in both the hands. For quick relief you can do this exercise wherever you are, while travelling, enjoying with friends or in work or in a picnic. The most important point is that while doing this exercise you need to visualize the quick relief or to visualize the strengthening of the associated organs and part of the body.

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