Wednesday 19 October 2016

Why to be angry?....results of Anger...

No one can solve problems with anger. If you try to face anger with anger the result will be a big disaster.
Anger in an appropriate level does no harm. Some times, depending on situations, it is required to show or apply a little anger towards your children, students, colleagues, subordinates or spouses. That anger is applicable for the situation and it is gone after that. This type of anger is instant, allow us to think more rationally and there is no ill effect. But high levels of anger are the real issue to ruin the situation, relationship, health of self and others in long run. High level of anger is really great problem and a disaster. Anger turns inward and results in holding grudge and tempt people to do revenges and live in hatred.
Anger puts our heart at real risk. Angry people are having the risk of heart attack twice than others. Anger makes one stroke prone. Immunity will be lost in angry people. Angry people are disease prone and they are more easily affected by lifestyle diseases like diabetes, asthma, blood pressure, cholesterol, digestive disorders and cancer. Angry people are isolated from life due their behaviour and attitude. Anxiety problems are very high in angry people. Anxiety leads to stress and depression. Anger affects the over all health of body and mind and leaves the person unhappy and short tempered.
Let us not to be mad at any one, because 'being mad' is not our purpose in our life.
Let us over come 'anger' by deep breathing and mindful meditation. Identify the factors what triggers anger and get rid of those unwanted elements through intentional meditation. Consult with a psychologist if the meditation process is not working. Accept the psychological tips and continue meditation. Results of the positive change can be experienced within a month of effort. Now it is possible to be positive applying assertive communication and avoid anger in the dealings with others.
Learn to apply humour in discussions, learn to negotiate, learn to cope up with problems, learn to let go the hurts and pains and get away from the situations to stay calm. It is excellent to be calm with a two minutes of deep breathing exercise. Go for getting involved in a great passion, may be a game, an art, a movie, chat with a close friend or a dine out which can help one to get lost of all the anger and negatives and stick on to the 'here and now' situation to enjoy the present.
Let anger not to control us to live a hatred and short span life. Be cool and be happy.

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