Wednesday 12 October 2016

Keep Calm and Think differently to be creative...

Approach your problem in a new perspective. This helps you to leave the conventional methods and think differently. Think outside the box, to have a tons of ideas to solve the problem.
Yesterday night I was not able to find the TV remote. Today morning after breakfast I started looking for the TV remote again. After the search of half an hour again the spots I searched yesterday I became desperate. Our grandson is with us. Searched in his toy basket, under the couch, behind the TV table, everywhere in the living room. I left it. Around 10.30 I went to the office room to have a plain paper. There it is. The TV remote under the coffee table. Our little one played with it and dropped it there. I felt ashamed. Why I searched in the living room only? I should have to go out and search for it. This refreshed me the thoughts on how to solve a problem. Don't stay within, go out and search for more and more steps to solve the problem.
We need to step back to see if the solutions to our problems lie outside. This helps us to be flexible, think different, break the conventional thoughts and encouraging us to look for more creative ideas to solve the problem. We can develop the skill of thinking from outside by constant practice. Change your attitude, allow your mind to travel through different ideas, look back at the problem in various angles, be optimistic, talk with your friends who are experts in problem solving, get innovative and creative ideas apply to your problems and get it solved. This will help us to stay active, energetic and vibrant through out our life.

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