Friday 7 October 2016

Why Spiritual Growth is Important?

To live a harmonious life spiritual knowledge is a must. Spiritual knowledge helps one to lead a 'Holistic life'. Spiritual growth is an inner process to get rid of the darkness such as egos and negative emotions. Spiritual growth helps to increase our awareness level and brighten our inner self.
Spiritual maturity can be attained by anyone who has a strong desire to serve the 'Universe'. In this fast world everyone need to be spiritually awakened to lead a happy life without fear and anxiety.
Spiritual maturity allows one to enjoy and experience inner peace by stepping up
1. To focus on self instead of changing others
2. Whatever you do is for your own peace
3. Ability to let things go on it's way
4. Accept others as they are
5. Understand everyone is right in their own perspective
6. Never expect anything in return from anybody
7. Do things by your own without fear
8. Stop comparing with others
9. Stop proving your success and merits
10. Ability to differentiate between 'needs' and 'wants' and able to let go 'wants'
11. Stop attaching happiness to material things
and you at peace with yourself.
Practice meditation everyday to observe your inner self is stronger than your environment.
Try to see the inner beauty in everything.

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