Friday 7 October 2016

Travel is to take a journey into and Transforms....

We all love to travel. Are we travelling a lot for ourselves? Sure we are travelling regularly for work, to kid's school and other activities, to shop, to visit our friends, to doctor's office like that it is a long list. What about the travel to a place to experience joy in our life? Where is time? Yes, we are least bothered about vacation trips. We are not finding time to travel blaming our busy life schedule. And leaving a dream, we can travel after retirement.
We, for the last forty years, love to travel to learn life skills and experience life to the fullest. We too with the similar busy was able to plan annual trips during school vacation and short trips on a monthly basis which really confused our friends, 'where are you getting time to do these trips'. Simple answer is, 'if you wish to travel, you can travel, time will be on your way for the trip'.
As a kid I was fortunate to live in Brunei where my father worked and enjoyed picnics with our friends and travel to our mother land once in three years. That was in early sixties, we sailed for a week to reach our mother land. The beautiful experiences are still nostalgic for me and the true spirit behind the later travels. After my marriage, we both were fond of travelling and even now we are continuing  travel. We won't want to loose an opportunity to travel. If we are ready then we can make it easy to make interim arrangements of what we are needed at home such as taking care of pets and our aged parents. I know a lot of people are not even ready for a trip thinking about what will happen to our routine works to be attended at home and pets like wise.
Travel is to be made, part of our life in all stages to explore the world outside, to learn the wonderful opportunities outside which are beyond our imagination and to find a new purpose in our lives instead to set apart for later phase in our life. Travel means, it is to take a journey into ourselves. Travel is the most important investment in our life to improve ourselves by exploring the hidden talents within enabling to learn life skills to face challenges in life to transform our lives to the better. Travel helps us to learn about self and to take care of us to keep us in good health.

For us once in a month we go for a weekend trip to a new destination to enjoy nature, interact with people, experience the local cuisine and have a break from our routine activities. We were blessed to travel almost all parts of our State during our monthly trips. Of course there are more spots to visit. Our annual trips helped us to travel across our country. Now to visit our children we visiting other continents.  Each and every trip helps us to experience more and more joy and bliss in our life. Each trip are a lesson to me where I am able to learn and develop for a better me. Once in a while I would prefer to travel with an open schedule. Mostly we do those trips in villages. Such trips help me to be part with the local people and stay with them to know their beautiful life. An amazing realisation was that they won't need reservation or a pre-booking for the stay and for the guides. Those were wonderful experience for us to know how innocent are the people in villages and enjoy their whole heartedness. Travel helps to face challenges in life in a better way and solve the problems more easier. Daily routine helps us to follow a schedule. Travel teaches us to be flexible and to adjust with new and strange situations. Travel is really exciting. Each travel teaches me to be a better person with more life skills to live my life without prejudice. Travel gives new insights to watch and see the world outside and to experience the interconnectedness with other people. Travel exposes us to interact more with people, to experience more with new cultures, cuisines and life styles,  to capture more beautiful sceneries of nature, to find a new path in our life to support others to experience a greater quality and peace in life. Travel gives a wide circle of friends , makes to smile always, to try new things in different situations and turning into new experiences which helps to understand a different way of life by supporting others.
Travelling is a skill to make regular life more easier. We can develop self confidence and become more resourceful. It helps us to view life from the outside and enables us solve the problems of life in a different approach. Travel allows us to research in new cultures, religions, cuisines and lifestyles. Travel makes us understand that we all are 'One' and we need to love each other to be and live in 'Peace'.

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