Friday 14 October 2016

Be True to Yourself....

Act according to your true self to live happy. Love yourself to find your true self. Unless you can't love yourself and true to yourself you can't love anything else or can't be true to anyone else. It may be not easy to accept this because we live in a world to please others.
In some occasions we use to reserve our comments due to fear of expression, tell lies to please others, do things what we don't like, hide our opinion because of minority, compliment unnecessarily, behave happy or sad according to the situation, like wise we behave like we are not in our true self. Just to please the group. The result is 'you punished yourself'. The wrong thing you did will hinder your comfort.
When you start to love yourself you will be able to say, "I don't care', I don't like, this is not my opinion, I love this, like wise, in a polite and friendly way you can express yourself. Respect and recognize your talents along with respect to others. Then you can and will be able to accept yourself as you are.  Here comes self- respect being true to you. Now you can easily act in accordance with your basic nature. Stand for the right thing and for what you believe for the right result. Others will only respect you when you love yourself. You are strong and able when you are true to yourself. Your unique skills will shine out with fearless and creative techniques. You will be able to live your life in good values. You will have the mind to allow others also to take decisions and participate in the situations with due respect. You can enrich self and others by being yourself. It is a real gift from the 'Supreme Power' to know your true self. You are introspective and sincere. You are really Unique'. You feel at ease, your wisdom rules you, you need not lie, you are not afraid to be judged and more over you are confident comfortable.

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