Tuesday 11 October 2016

Let us join hands to empower our girls around the world.....

Wow! Today is the 'International Day of the Girl Child'. Our girls are our treasure. Without them the world won't grow. Without them there will be no love and peace. Without them there will not be harmony. Or with our girls and women we are blessed to have love, peace and harmony. Gender is of course different. In traditional age men  were considered to be bold, dominant, powerful, aggressive and administrative while women were considered to be tender, lovable, obedient, submissive and behind the curtain. In my childhood I was brought up with a lot of don'ts where my brother was enjoying a lot of dos. Truly that had effected my dreams of future. I was not able to dream to become a pilot or a captain. Also teenage marriage was a style considering that if the daughter is married the parents are free. Is that true? I should clearly say no. Girls require equal opportunities like boys. Daughters are to treated equally as sons.
Still the scenario is not much changed in rural areas. Even now child marriages are going on. Girls are not getting higher education. Women are forced to do the household chores, farm works and family matters. Our girls are very intelligent and creative. But they can't rise to the potential of their dreams due to discrimination, violence and lack of education and opportunities.
As an active member of AIWC (All India Women's Conference, India) we are very keen to give awareness to the girls and women, on domestic violence, work place abuse, on their rights  and the necessity to have a job to stand on their own feet. Skill training programme are there for women and girls. Crèches are running to enable the moms to drop their kids.
Women are voluntarily doing multitasks to maintain happiness and peace at home between spouse, kids and other members. Girls are to be educated to own a job and be an earning member of the family.
Thankful to have the International Day of the Girl Child on 11th of October every year from 2012.
We as  devoted citizens and  enlightened persons, dedicate our time to recognize the challenges area wise and promote the rights of girls and empower the girls around the world to improve their lives.
Yes, we can inspire and motivate our girls and young women by building up their capacity to own life skills and live honoured with joy and peace.

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