Tuesday 4 October 2016

Live a Life of Integrity...

When self respect give away for self interest our integrity is questionable. People are making choices on their interests are becoming more rather than people who make choices on the right ones.
Integrity is a characteristic that we value in ourselves. Integrity is what we expect from our leaders. Integrity is a perfect state of being whole. Integrity is wholeness and holistic. Integrity is honesty, always doing the right even when we are alone. We will not be diverted from right or ready for any compromise for the wrong thing. When we  live with integrity means that we are always sincere and honest to ourselves in all thoughts, deeds and words. We will not have to question us and be in stress when we live a life of integrity. We are accountable for our actions. We can live a life of integrity listening to our heart and soul. The life will become simple and humble, generous and compassionate and easily reachable to poor and rich without any hidden areas or hidden agenda. People who live with integrity always gain the trust from others who are associated with them, from their family, from colleagues, from team mates and from the society. It is our choice to live in integrity.
Live by values defining core values not to compromise on.
Build up self-confidence and self-esteem to make only right choices.
Keep up your word, don't live on excuses, be assertive, always say truth, don't blame others to hide your failure or wrong, take up responsibility for your actions and act for others in your group not for your applause.

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