Sunday 16 October 2016

Unlock your Inner Potential....

All of us has the capacity to realize our potential to feel happy and contentment. Even as a kid I was so human oriented. I lived for ten years in erstwhile Borneo with my parents. Back in my village during that time people won't wear slippers. I was one among the few children in the school to wear shoes. After school I was put on tuition on mathematics where the teacher was barefooted. I was taught by my mom, to respect and follow teachers because they are our 'Gurus'. The teacher was so simple, humble and love his students. Then I thought, why the shoes for me? There was a strong inner call in me to follow our teacher and other friends. Next day I walked to school without shoes and was not able to go back in the evening because of the blisters formed in my feet. Then everybody asked, where are your shoes? Why you forgot it? Look at your feet, how can you walk back? I started crying and was forced to tell the truth! Everybody then started consoling me not to do such things to hurt yourself. Slowly I realised I am more a humanitarian and I want to be with them with an equality feeling. Till now I am so concerned with the people around me, it is happening to me wherever I am willing to share what I have with me for the betterment of others.
My career was also very helpful to be in touch with mankind. As an Agriculture expert I worked with the farming community and serve them taking into consideration their emotional and psychological approach. My career and trainings I got made an excellent HRD consultant which is my strength to be with the society. After retirement I become a full time social worker and volunteer among girls and women. Now I am so happy to be a speaker, writer, author of  books and a freelance blogger on cookery and lifestyles.
Knowing the strength of helping mankind and the happiness and love in return by them triggered me to stick on with service and volunteering. Now there are people around me who wants me. To be with them is the greatest contentment in my life.
We can identify our inner strength and passion within us to reach our inner potential. Don't be doubtful to bring out your passion. You can do what you want. Get more knowledge on your ideas, collect information, read the experiences of some others in the field, share with some experts for better skills and stretch out to the related blogs to get your life goal done.
This will help us to get the strength to achieve our life purpose and to discover our sleeping potential.
Mindfulness to our personal growth is the powerful tool for us to grow and excel. Go on with the steps and find out the areas to work out more to build up full confidence. Focus on the accomplishments and keep growing to excel your inner potential more and more. Belief in yourself to unlock your potential and climb up. Determination, Discipline, Dedication and Devotion are the only success keys to identify and discover your true potential!

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