Friday 21 October 2016

How to face negative comments with confidence?

It is a world of humour. We often use dual meaning comments in a conversation and it is said to be captioned under humour. Is that a real humour or is that a sort of disrespect? But no worries please. People are different. The only way to survive is to learn the skill to listen and interact to negative comments in a positive way with confidence. If you loose your temper you will become a scapegoat, may be that will be the aim of the other person. Even if it is directly to you or to a group where you are also involved, it doesn't matter. Too sensitive people who don't know or like to express comments in a crooked way or with dual sense can not easily get digested and go on smoothly with the situation. In turn they began to think why? Am I not fit for a conversation, am I not good, like wise a lot of things will be in their heads. These people will try to reserve their comments from such humorous people and they escape from the situation. The result is lack of confidence, self respect, lack of faith in self and lack of self growth.
Take every situation as an opportunity to learn. Consult with your mentor about the feelings. You can understand that getting away from situations and conversations are making you always a loser. Don't you need to win? Yes you need. Then what is the option?
 We can't change anybody. But you can change you. You want to be confident. You want to stay calm in the situation to get along. So try the possibilities in front of you. Life is a great institution with a lot of lessons and experiences everyday where we can easily get rid of our sensitive feelings. Start an introspection, 'Nothing will affect me, those words are not mine, I should not get worried with some one else's words. I have a lot of supporters in my life who hear and who needs me. I am not doing anything harm to others'. Just like this everyday do a mindful introspection for a continuous period of at least one month. Stay calm in mind concentrating on a mantra. You can experience the positivity in you. The more positive you are, no one can disturb you. If it is not happening in a month go for extended time and continue your meditation on concentrating on positivity as a routine in your life. Now you are in the right track. No one or no words which are negative can not make you  disturbed. You now have the ability to get rid off or to take it easy  the disheartened and discouraged comments. You are now confident and calm. You can spread happiness to those who surround you.

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