Monday 10 October 2016

Gratitude brings Happiness....

Lives are made up of equal parts of sorrow and happiness. It is impossible to live our lives to have one without the other. Set backs and tragedies are part of life. How much we are able to overcome the difficulties in our daily lives depends on the survival skill to find happiness and to reclaim.
An incident happened in my life. It was a Saturday, 29th September 2001. I need to attend a special meeting convened by the Minister of Agriculture at 5pm. Back home at 8.30 pm, my husband opened the door for me with a message, 'today was my last day in office, I am retired'. I was so surprised and shocked. What? He told yes, it is true. The reputed company wisely chose the date, because it was a Saturday, court will be only up to afternoon, next day a Sunday, so closing the opportunity of the victims not to approach the court for the next 2 days. The retirement age was 60. In the order, company decided the retirement age to be 58, and all those who completed the age of 58, need to be relieved from their duties as the part of superannuation. My husband described the situation of shock suffered by his colleagues. What to do next? Children are studying, some constructing their houses, likewise lot of activities to be completed. We were having no pension scheme. Our children were also doing their professional course and I thought what next? Two more years need for our children to graduate in their courses. How to manage the finance without any planning? We never had an idea of the cut of  financial resource we were enjoying. Our life suddenly turned upside down. A night is in front of us. We need to live happily. So let us find out some techniques. Being a counsellor my husband was so strong to comfort me. He told me, "we are lucky, look at the blessings we are enjoying. Two beautiful, intelligent and kind children, a beautiful home, our perfect health, your job, our loving relatives and friends, then what else we need. Let us be grateful to the 'Almighty' for providing us with all what we need in our life.  Let us plan our life from this moment with our present budget to find happiness and live a healthy life with gratitude. Let us stay in this situation and build up to get through this situation." I was so relieved to see his positive attitude in the new situation. Yes, I am ready. I can, I will find happiness in the world. This is not at all a tough time. The challenge in front of me start shrinking when compared with the abundance of blessings we are enjoying. We jointly decided to face this situation happily with our well wishers.
This triggered in me how to cultivate gratitude daily in my life. This also reminded, self despite everything that is happening to one, there are still a lot of options and plans one can set. For the last fifteen years, I have been practicing to focus on the present, to focus on the right, to focus on the reality to live a happy life and to make others surrounded me to be happy. Meditation and mindfulness are the important keys making me feel grateful in life. Before falling asleep at night, I rewind the day and enjoy the blessings with gratefulness. This state of happiness helps me to sleep in a state of gratitude. Only with gratitude we can be happy.
Gratitude is always within our reach and it lifts spirits. Gratitude is associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people to be optimistic with good thoughts, words and deeds. Gratitude also helps people to stay in good health, build healthy relations and face challenges in a positive approach.

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