Saturday 1 October 2016

See beauty in Everything

As a kid all can enjoy the beauty in everything. Kids are so energetic and creative. They are not concerned about the surroundings. They can spend hours playing with simple things. As we grow up we have our own likes and dislikes. We will be more concern about the surroundings and friend circles. We are more choosy and we have the options to be and not to be. Why is it? It is so simple, it is related with our status and ego. We use to take everything for granted.
With a little practice we can get back to the mind set of our childhood to enjoy and see beauty in everything in the world. Concentration and mindfulness help one to revert to the state to praise and appreciate the things around us. Everyone and everything are created by the Almighty. It is not at all our credit, that where we are, what we are and how we are? Be grateful for what we are. Gratitude helps one to see the good in others. We can very well use and sharpen our senses and be mind conscious all the time. Listen to the sound we hear, and go deep in to hear the music in it. Observe a thing where ever you are, and see the dimensions of beauty in it. Taste the food in front of us, before denying it. we can find it as delicious. When you visit a patient or a person who lost his dear ones or favourite things, a simple touch can make them comfortable. When we smell something nice, sure we all enjoy. But when we smell something bad, don't start to be fussy and make others also irritating, instead do the right thing by yourself or with the help of others or inform the authorities to get rid of it. Once we achieve the ability to see beauty in everything and do the things in the way for the benefit and care for others, you can see the real beauty in you and enjoy your moments, enjoy your day, enjoy your weekend, enjoy your holidays, cope up with adverse situations, then what else, you can make all around you happy and make life really worthy. And all others will be happy with you when they see the beauty in you.

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