Monday 3 October 2016

Aging is the Privilege of a Lifetime...

Do not regret getting old. It is the privilege of a lifetime which is denied for many. Oct 1st every year is set apart for celebrating the 'International Day for Elderly People'. It is being celebrated from 1st October 1991 to appreciate their contributions to the society as well as to take care of the issues and challenges that affects the ageing in today's world. The day is celebrated worldwide to focus on the welfare of older people who are lonely in their later life. The main aim is to make their life better and happy by providing shelter, food, personal and medical care and to arrange scheduled community programmes on medical check up, motivational sessions, picnics and shopping. For older people ageism is a day to day challenge. Getting old, they are categorised as dependents, which subconsciously influences the individual and get restricted from social activities and away from the communal gatherings. Youngsters need to be enriched with proper awareness to identify and understand the issues of older people are facing and to create a sense of security among the elders. Policies should be strengthen for the health insurance for the seniors to leave them stress free about their health.
In most cases elders are cornered as if they are slow and disabled. Many consider them as their children. Family members underestimate senior's ability and force them to live in retirement village.
They also ignore the elders even in conversations in favour of youngsters and others. This discrimination is so much challenging in their lives.
To overcome the challenges,
 You need to speak up. Participate in family and social gatherings rather than side-lined.
 Get engaged and involved all the time to stay active both mentally and physically.
 Positive attitude is the best way to co operate with ageism without fear, participate and to cheer up.
 As far as possible be on your own feet to shop, to bank and to learn the new technologies.
 Exercise in groups, find some volunteering and get involved in social activities to get surrounded  by people of all ages to get in connected with the activities of all ages.
 Don't miss any opportunity to travel to enjoy and experience the world.
 Reassure your goals daily by meditation and visualization.

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