Monday 17 October 2016

Celebrate Boss's Day

When I was watching morning news in the TV at San Antonio, came to know that today is Boss's Day. I have never heard there is a day to appreciate Boss. To my surprise I understand it is being celebrated in India also. Being in a chair of a boss for almost twenty years in my job or after my retirement I have never come across this day. Today got it. I thought it will be nice if I remember this day through this blog.
It is so nice to have a day to honour and appreciate our boss in their special day. It was started in 1958 by Ms Patricia Bays Haroski. She was an employee of his father in his 'State Farm Insurance Company', in Deerfield. The idea was her brainchild when she saw the enormous pressure of her father being a boss and to acknowledge all the bosses around the world. She selected her father's birthday October 16th every year to celebrate bosses day. She registered the day as a holiday with the 'Chamber of Commerce' of the United States. In 1962, the then Governor of Illinois, Otto Kerner, declared October 16th as 'National Boss Day'. This day is being celebrated in many countries ever since. If October 16th falls on a holiday, the immediate working day is celebrated as 'Boss Day'.
Bosses are the real motivating factor in an organization. The function of a boss/manager is so indispensable. It is great to have a day and an opportunity to show special respect and gratitude and thank the boss being such a caring and amazing person to keep the whole employees and the organization safe and secure. Bosses can become mentors to the employees.
In my young age I used to tell to my children I have to be in time at office, I have to go/ can't be at home because my boss is too strict, will scold me/punish me/frighten me like that. Even I show the picture of the boss with a big moustache to convince my kids what I said is right. My boss was always a big hero and scary in the mind of my kids. I still remember my son who is older pacifying my daughter to leave me to be in time at office because of the strict boss. Sorry for that, if it happens any of my bosses read this! I always had and even now have great respect and love to my bosses. They were always keeping me inspired and motivated to move ahead. They had played a great role  to be bold and brave in dealing situations and events in my career.
Bosses are really great to keep us, punctual, logical, considerate and perfect. Even though they seems to be tough they are really sensitive at heart. Their vision and leadership makes the employees alert, vibrant and dynamic. It is great and so nice to have a day to celebrate for bosses.
Let us take this day to say a special hello and appreciation to our boss and have a nice time to enjoy lunch with our boss.
'Happy Boss Day to all the Bosses around the World.'

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