Friday 14 October 2016

Have Faith in You!

Everyday is different. Some days are easy going, some days are planned but some days will be filled with expectancies not calculated. How can we manage all these days? Do you believe in yourself? If not your life is in trouble. We all have equal opportunities. But what is pulling away is lack of confidence. At college, during my late teens, I was so shy and frustrated to sing or do a speech. I was side tracked and labelled as 'shy'. I lost many opportunities to show my skills. Academically very brilliant, but very poor in presenting skills.
After my marriage my husband found out the skills hidden in me. He had a faith in me and gave support to come out from my tortoise shield. Here I am now, ready for everything with my right foot ahead to run. I am thankful to my beloved husband who recurringly encouraged and motivated to come out to enjoy and live in this beautiful world. Again I am thankful that I believe in me. I am thankful to the 'Supreme Power' that I am able to do, share, support and also to live a quality life. All these for me are only because I have the faith in me.
We have to take a strong decision to believe in self. Why should I hesitate to do? What is pulling me back? Do I not having enough information of the subject to be dealt? Do I live as a winner or as a victim. The option lies with us. Let us be winners! When we decide to win in our life that will make us explore the hidden talents and skills in us. This ignition will lead and direct us to learn more, collect all the information, helps us to be in contact with others, share and learn experiences in dealings of others and to awake the capacities sleeping within us to rise as a phoenix bird.
What ever we do is having a reflection on us. Doing things positively always helps us to be positive. Doing things voluntarily can results in voluntary approaches from others when we are in hard times. Doing things with gratitude will fill you with love, kindness, courage and self-esteem.
Doing things honestly helps to fill with you tons of creative and innovative ideas and to think, act and solve problems in different ways. Doing things spontaneously makes you transparent and easily accessible person. Successful people can make the situation happy and productive while others will be searching for reasons why and what. We all have to face uncertainty and contingencies in our life. We need to move forward with a strong faith in us to figure it out. That is the belief in self. Once you have the faith in you, the rest like opportunity, information, knowledge or skills will follow. Go on with faith in you to make things happen. So why to wait? Have faith in you and become a winner in life!!!

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