Thursday 27 October 2016

Master to manage our weaknesses....

We are aware of our weaknesses better than our strengths. Because we are living in a world of fear and in a world of judgment. When weakness shadow our strengths then we forget to live. We will make it a habit to live on excuses. We are not having the confidence to present and we forcefully try to hold back. Repeating the behaviour will get one to be away from public and other functions. Some people become helpless and will not try to overcome the situation in their own way.
Don't get away from the challenges in front of us, to face the challenges recognize and strengthen the weakness within. To become powerful, master yourself to manage your weaknesses. The first and foremost thing is to build up a positive attitude. Positive attitude helps to get rid of the negative emotions like fear, doubt, jealous, insecurity, hate and so on. Being a human it is impossible to get rid of emotions but it is possible to strengthen the weaken area with positive emotions. Continue the process of visualization and apply in practical life and experience the change you have now. Go on with the activities. If you experience failure, do not get upset, you are on the right path and keep on trying.
The qualities of determination, patience, commitment, responsibility, creativity, innovativeness and flexibility will fill in us while getting along with the venture help us to become confident and gain control over our lives. Once our strengths are identified it is important to use them otherwise we forget about them and fail to use them. Keep on learning and strengthen us and stay confident and live your life courageously getting along with others and the society.

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