Thursday 6 October 2016

Make the best with what you have.....

Make the best of everything instead of waiting to have the best of everything. Most of us focus on what we don't have. Go on focusing on what we do have and gain it. Get rid of the constant floating thoughts of what we lack in our life. The power of positive thoughts are what you are. The constant belief to have a great life is what we experience. Let our focus become the reality of success and happiness in life. It is humane looking for an ideal time and waiting to do. This helps only to be pessimist rather than optimist. Make do the best with whatever we have, whether it is good or bad. Don't get tempted to do things later one day when you expect the situation will be perfect for you.
Once you start doing things with what you have, you can experience that you are busy all day with contentment and happiness and more and more things are coming on your way. You have created the conditions of making use of the opportunities in front of you and you are going to have more and more opportunities to work on. If this is your way of action you are progressing and moving forward with enthusiasm and dedication in your life. Experience the overflowing of ideas in front of you everyday assuring the purpose of your life. It is the attitude of us, how do we look on what we have?
Realize the richness in front of us, analyse it on it's positives and negatives and work on the very best out of it. Once you start succeeding in making the best, then you can feel everything in front of you can be made helpful for you. You will learn the skill of making use of the situations you can realize what to be done and what not to be done. You mind is under the control of your soul which helps you to do everything with happiness without any regret or hate. Your thoughts are here backed up by the wisdom of reasoning. This helps to enlighten your true self in thoughts, words and actions.

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