Sunday 9 October 2016

Time is so precious...

We can hear people complaining, time is flying, what can I do?
I wanted to go there, but no time.
I hoped I should attend the function but I was too busy.
I wished I would attend the 75th birthday of my aunt, but I was doing pending works at home.
I wanted to watch the movie on Saturday but I was sleepy.
I wanted to take my kids to the zoo but was not in a good mood.
Likewise there are a lot of excuses and reasons for not doing the things. You are free to do whatever you want, but why to find some excuses and feel happy with the sympathy from others like,
I know you are working, I know your kids are too small, I know you have to look after all the works, I know you are too tired. Likewise you are comfortable hearing those sympathetic words and feel happy.
Is that wise for people spending their time finding fault with other things. NO, not at all.
I still remember, during my earlier years, I pick my dress just before going to bath and entrust my husband, can you please iron this for me? Later I completely understood, I should manage my time to be in a nice mood. Now, I am retired. Doing a lot of activities. Not at all a single complaint, that I won't have time. Proper planning and organisation is making my time more and more worth. Lot of activities to do, besides routine activities, daily blogging, updating websites, social activity, taking care of grandkids, daily physical activity and time for inner travel. Now days are so worthy.
If you really want to spend your time productively you need to work out. Everybody is blessed with 24 hours a day. Time is the unique and only asset, distributed equally to all.
So it is in our own hands, how to utilize it. No worries, let us see how can we work it out.
Just review your weekly activities and find out the important and unimportant things you attended.
Pin point the important activities and stick on it, not to miss them and stay relaxed.
Write it down because we can't record and keep all those in our head.
Keep a to - do - list to manage your time efficiently and effectively.
Learn to say 'NO' to things you are not able to do within the time limit.
Pick up your clothes, iron it, get ready other things to carry by you and your kids the previous day.
Have a nice sleep of 7 to 9 hours to stay fresh and energetic.
Don't miss your exercises and meditation to have a healthy mental & physical state.
Take care to have a healthy meal to keep you energised and productive.
Make your mornings pleasant by listening to soft & positive music, delegating and sharing.
Focus on your tasks and goals and make it clear to complete it at the best within the stipulated time.
Find out the areas you spent more time and not productive like gossiping, social media, chatting etc.
Go for single task priority unless it is so particular to attend multitasks.
Learn to delegate tasks, both household and official,  rather than keeping all with you to finish.
Always organize your tasks, plan it and implement it with sincerity and dedication.
Review your time spending, weekly, fortnightly and monthly, to see whether you are utilising time at the best, keep on doing and correct it as and when required not to follow the mistakes and misuse your precious 'TIME'.
Once you are in the right track of your valuable time, organize, go ahead and be the 'Master of Time Management' in your family, group, circle and community.


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