Friday 7 October 2016

Develop higher consciousness for Spiritual Growth...

No one is born peaceful but every one is born with the ability to realize inner peace and spread peace in the world.
As we grow up we realize the emotions, the plus and minus of the feelings and the impact of the feelings in our personal growth. By developing positive attitudes, practising mindfulness and greater levels of consciousness exposes one to spiritual awareness and helps to lead a better life. This helps one to integrate spirituality in their life. Our level of consciousness increases as our spiritual awareness lightens. Spiritual development can be attained by surrendering to the 'Supreme Power'. Once we feel that we are guided by the 'Supreme Power', then it is easy to climb the steps of 'Spiritual Growth'. Each step reveals the goodness of your inner self and you can experience divinity. It starts improving us personally and spiritually. Spiritual growth is possible when we realize the difference between material riches and inner power. It is the balance between material needs and spiritual needs. Travel within and see your inner world filled with high potentials of love, purity, happiness, strength, wisdom, peace and bliss rather than the outer world of material assets. The darkness inside need to be expelled to lighten the lamp of higher consciousness within and to build up the potentials to lead a better life. This enlightenment makes one to feel the 'Oneness' among everything in the 'Universe.' As the awareness level increases an 'Aura' will be formed in the shape of a sphere around us which can perceive everything with common sense and intuition. Personal spiritual growth is represented by the size of the sphere and it's sustainability requires continuous care and attention. Daily meditation, prayers and service (seva) are the essentials for spiritual growth.
I realised the potentials in me through constant meditations. Meditation is a powerful technique to attain personal spiritual growth. Regular meditation is a crystal clear path to enlighten our inner self and lead a spiritual life with inner peace and bliss.

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