Tuesday 18 October 2016

Purification of Self....

Purification of self is the success key in living a healthy and happy life. Follow our heart and do what we love. Let us maintain pure thoughts, good wishes and believes to send out goodness to all in the world. We should take everything around us in a positive way to live in the present. Manage and behave nicely and calmly in the situation we have everything or nothing. Let us count on our blessings everyday instead of worrying on our failures. Humility can transform a person enabling to recognize the right and wrong instantly and to reach into a clear decision.
Life is like a rope. It swings us through hope and happiness which allows one to trust that today is good than yesterday and tomorrow will be much good than today. Listen to the dreams we have to make true in life along with the strategies how to overcome the miracles and finally enjoy the life.
Master the art to get purified. It is not far or hard to get purified, with regular practice it is in our reach.
Cleanse the body by drinking enough water from empty stomach in the morning till evening.
Purify the body and functions by eating healthy and consciously.
Purify the body by observing fasting once in a while.(weekly/fortnightly/monthly)
Purify the body and mind with proper yoga and exercises.
Purify the breath by Pranayama.
Purify the mind by meditation.
Purify the intellect by spiritual knowledge.
Purify the subconscious mind by chanting mantra.
Purify the ego by service.
Purify your inner spirit by observing silence.
Purify the emotions and feelings by love.
Decide to get purified and move ahead to inspire those around you also to master in Self Purification.

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