Monday 31 October 2016

Halloween 2016.....Trick or Treat

Halloween is welcomed with great joy by children. Here in USA, our grandson loves to take part in the fall festivals at school,community, friend's place and at last on 31st October at our home and neighbourhood. I came to know about Halloween only in 2009, when we were with our daughter at SA. It was very interesting to hear and see the scary costumes and watch the scary events. Halloween is truly one of the most popular and loved festival in the world. It compasses the whole universe filled with fun and friendliness. Now it is eve at USA, we all are excited to participate in 'the trick or treat', where as we had already received the pictures of 'Halloween' from our loved ones in Australia and India. Regardless of age all are having fun on 'Halloween'. Terrifying party themes, magical spells, scary costumes and delectable recipes make 'Halloween' unique.
Here we had decorated with Halloween stuff in front of our home during the first weekend of this month with imperious decorations like illuminated dragon, witch, pumpkins and spider webs, ghosts and the feel of a haunted house. These decorations will be there till the decorations of thanksgiving is on. Our four year old grandson was waiting for this day throughout the year for Halloween as it provides lots of candies and fun with his neighbourhood kids with their pumpkin baskets touring in the community. Today I am in charge of the candies at the counter in front of our home with a bowl of sweets and candies at dusk to welcome and please the kids on costumes visiting us for 'trick or treat'. The dinner for Halloween is also different with pumpkin rice and other pumpkin related dishes. Options are many to celebrate Halloween night by watching Halloween movies, reading books on Halloween and playing games on Halloween. Based on the culture and customs the celebrations vary from country to country.
Halloween is the eve of  'All Saint's Day'. It is the symbolic representation of the living and the dead which represents the contact between the spiritual and the physical world. Halloween is usually celebrated among family, friends and colleagues. Parties by the community and schools are planned the weekends before Halloween. The Halloween day is not an official holiday and that is the sad part of kids and parents to get prepared for. Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday 30 October 2016

World Thrift Day.....Savings is the Path of Success

The World Thrift Day is being celebrated on 31st October of every year. The first World Thrift Day was declared on 31st October 1924 during the first International Savings Bank Congress in Milan, Italy. World Thrift Day is devoted to the promotion of savings all over the world. It is a worldwide celebration well sustained by savings and accountable retail banks, schools, women's association, cultural and social organizations etc. The day remind us the significance of savings in order to have a fund to face contingencies. It also helps us to collect money for annual fees of our children, to celebrate festivals with family, to start an enterprise likewise.
In India the day is celebrated on 30th October due to the assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister on 31st October 1984. Thrift is an ancient Indian virtue and India has one of the highest savings rates in the developing world. Money saving is an art. Every individual should learn to save. It doesn't matter whether weak or strong. As small kids we were taught to save money and earn wealth by our parents and teachers. The habit of saving gives an individual independence. The little savings through thrift collection has marked a major difference in microfinance management in harnessing the savings for the systematic and disciplined development of our country. The idea is to save money to gain a high standard of life and to secure the economy of the country. It helps to inculcate the habit of savings by individuals. Also to encourage them to deposit in a savings bank account rather than hiding in the kitchen or under the bed at home.
All has to master in the art of saving to spend wisely. Plan and make a budget to control unwanted expenses. Buy essentials only thus prioritising needs. Be self resilient and make investments. Income minus investments should be used for expenses. Check your financial accounts and statements regularly to keep your expenses under check. Switch of the lights, fans and other electronic appliances after use to cut short electricity, water, telephone and other energy consumption bills.
Small and systematic savings provide good returns. Small savings safeguard against risks in life like unemployment, illness etc. Savings also contribute in preserving the environment by preventing wastage. Thrift savings help the women to get empowered and no longer remain as passive recipients of public assistance. The great project of 'Kudumbasree' in Kerala is the excellent model of thrift collection and microfinance. Savings are essential in old age and for better future. Savings promote financial security of individuals and the nation as a whole.

Saturday 29 October 2016

Real Contentment Brings and Spreads Happiness....

The wish of everyone in life is to live happily. Is everyone happy?  No, not at all. How can everyone become happy? Having control over desires are the most important way to be happy. Having the ability to distinguish between needs and wants is very important. Our wish is always to go to the next up stage. If we have an apartment we wish to live a town house, when we own a town house we wish to live in a villa, when we own a villa we wish to live in a bungalow, when we own a bungalow we wish to live in a palace.  Even we know very well there are people who even have a hut. That is humane. Are we happy. What ever we have we dream for the next level. Here we surrender our happiness for the never ending list of our wants. We can pretend contentment, that won't work for us and for the surroundings because our inner self is not at all happy.
Contentment is a peaceful satisfaction surrounded by abundance. Contentment is a mental state of satisfaction of accepting one's limits in the most positive way. Satisfaction of life's basic needs is the essential key to achieve and experience real contentment. The state of contentment means it does not demand any further external changes.
When we feel contentment but if the others are not able to recognize that means it is not the real contentment. The real key to contentment is to be practical and accepting life for its positives rather than counting on the negatives. When there is real contentment , that can be seen and felt in their quality words and actions by others. So real contentment allows themselves and those who surrounds them also to be happy. Real contentment allows us and others to enjoy the benefits of the state. Contented people can be a source of support always to all those around them, even in the most hopeless state and help them get back to a state of happiness.

Friday 28 October 2016

Memories are important...make it a guide for future

'As long as we have memories, yesterday remains. Yesterdays are great lessons for us to apply in our future. Memories are our real teachers. Memories give us confidence and strength to face challenges. Memories give us positive vibes and skills to live in this world. Gratitude is the essential key to focus on the sweet and nice memories to store in our heart with true contentment. Memories help us to live in gratitude. Gratitude is the most powerful element revealing love and compassion in our hearts. When we are in stress go through the album of happy moments which trigger happiness in our brain and wash away the stress. Memories of traumas in our life help us to realize the loss and events happened and help and be with others who are undergoing traumas. Traumas make us more kind and loving with a great mind-set of forget about the loss and forgive those who hurt us. Memories can make us optimistic rather than pessimistic. Memories connects us to the past and direct us for the future. Memories are encouraging and strengthening one side and can be stressful for the pain suffered on the other side. It is a personal choice whether to dwell on memories. Don't allow memories to weaken you. Memories can heal one as well as hurt one. Try to forget bad memories through visualization or meditation other wise your health will answer. Do an introspection to learn from the bad memories and to form a guide for betterment. Go for the trip of good memories to feel wonderful and to love your life.

Significance of Deepavali....

Deepavali or Diwali is the festival of lights. Diwali is celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhist. The celebration is having slight differences in various States of India. It is related with harvest festival and so is believed for wealth and prosperity. Deepavali means a row of lights. 'Deep' means light and 'avali' means a row. Deepavali literally illumines the minds and the places with its intense brightness and dazzles everyone with its triumph. Deepavali is a celebration on the third day out of the five day celebration. Deepavali is celebrated on the thirteenth lunar day of dark fortnight, coincides with the darkest. Deepavali falls between mid-October and mid- November. It is an official holiday in India, Fiji, Pakistan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Guyana, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.
Spiritually, Deepavali, signifies the victory over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil and hope over despair.  The lights are lightened inside, outside and around the houses, temples, buildings in the community where it is observed. Lakshmi pujas are done in the eve followed by illuminating the skies by fire crackers and a feast of sweets for all the family members and others. The lights illuminate our hearts to find a new reason and hope for life. The light remove the darkness within us and empowers us to commit to good and kind deeds that brings us closer to divinity. The lights, the sounds of fire crackers and the scent of the incense sticks brings happiness, hope and togetherness. Diwali is the celebration of life for its  blessings and virtues and for the attainment of health, wealth. knowledge, peace and prosperity.
The lovely memories of Deepavali in my childhood in southern Kerala is so nice. The day before Deepavali, coconut oil, rice flour and jaggery are distributed to the farm labourers around us. The oil bath before sunrise is very important on Deepavali followed by a delicious breakfast of idly and sambar along with ada, a special snack prepared with rice flour, grated coconut, jiggery and dried ginger powder. Those who turned on the morning of Deepavali at our home will be distributed with oil and cooked special breakfast of  Deepavali.
Deepavali is celebrated around the globe with a lot of colourful programmes highlighting the significance, culture and religious.  All are so happy on the special day with lots of lights in their heart sweeping away the ignorance and filling with knowledge. Where ever we are, on Diwali day, let us light a 'diya', sit quietly concentrating on the supreme light with eyes opened or closed to illuminate the mind and soul.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Master to manage our weaknesses....

We are aware of our weaknesses better than our strengths. Because we are living in a world of fear and in a world of judgment. When weakness shadow our strengths then we forget to live. We will make it a habit to live on excuses. We are not having the confidence to present and we forcefully try to hold back. Repeating the behaviour will get one to be away from public and other functions. Some people become helpless and will not try to overcome the situation in their own way.
Don't get away from the challenges in front of us, to face the challenges recognize and strengthen the weakness within. To become powerful, master yourself to manage your weaknesses. The first and foremost thing is to build up a positive attitude. Positive attitude helps to get rid of the negative emotions like fear, doubt, jealous, insecurity, hate and so on. Being a human it is impossible to get rid of emotions but it is possible to strengthen the weaken area with positive emotions. Continue the process of visualization and apply in practical life and experience the change you have now. Go on with the activities. If you experience failure, do not get upset, you are on the right path and keep on trying.
The qualities of determination, patience, commitment, responsibility, creativity, innovativeness and flexibility will fill in us while getting along with the venture help us to become confident and gain control over our lives. Once our strengths are identified it is important to use them otherwise we forget about them and fail to use them. Keep on learning and strengthen us and stay confident and live your life courageously getting along with others and the society.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Excel in Life to become successful...

Anyone can excel in life despite of any hurdles coming across. Excellence is not for the credit of some one else or not for others to notice. Excellence is for our own contentment. A burning desire to succeed makes one to excel in life. People with excellence are those who tend to practice daily working hard with discipline and determination. Go for challenges in our life. Find out the hidden areas of excellence within us. Challenges and struggles are our goals to excellence. Experiences are the greatest lessons of a winner. Clarify the doubts and queries as and when it arise with our intimate friend, colleague, boss or an expert outside. Always keep those who are in our team, group or circle intact being kind and compassionate. Look for happiness instead of perfection in our journey of life.
If you desire to climb a mountain, 'climb it with an intention to see the world rather than with an intention that the world will see you'. This is the strategy to excel in life.
Let us have a look to the people who are different from others having charisma and character with a winning formula in their life.
Finding happiness and satisfaction in everyday life is the symbol of a person of success. Such people can handle problems and solve them in a productive way. They are proactive rather than reactive or inactive. They are service minded rather than blaming on unavailable resources or assets. They love themselves and love others. They are always active and lively, never ever anyone can find them feeling bored. They are optimistic with positive approach to go beyond boundaries and reap success. They are transparent, ready to accept own mistakes, appreciate others, share their experiences and care for the rest. They are humanitarians with the goal of developing their societies by encouraging and motivating all around them.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Embrace the Beauty Within....

Beauty is not in the makeups or makeovers. Beauty is simply not the power of appearance. What we see outside and what strikes us will not be always good while which is good to us will always remain beautiful. Beauty is the confidence within us. Discover and embrace the beauty within to delight in the unique beauty God has reserved for us only. Real beauty is that comes as we become everything that God created us to be. Everyone has beauty but not everyone sees it. See the beauty of others so that we can free of envy and comparisons to encourage them and help them flourish. When we know that who we are an inner radiance and confidence, that affect every part of our life, will glow upon us True beauty is the inner beauty. True beauty is seeing ourselves as God sees us.  Do not judge anyone by mere appearances always look inward to see the true beauty. It is a life long search, long and hard journey to reach the point where we really believe and feel that we are worth something that we have value and know that we are beautiful. Beauty is the light that whittles away darkness from the universe. Beauty is expressed through behaviours and actions which lead to our attitude. Beauty is showing firm values without letting down integrity shrivel under any circumstances. Inner beauty crowns one with love and compassion which are the real essence of beauty. Stillness and kindness are the characteristics of beauty. Beauty is the refined state of mind and soul. Enjoy fullness and truth of life through inner beauty that exalts the soul is what the real beauty!!!

Monday 24 October 2016

Trust and believe in 'God' and relax in life...

We all are blessed in our lives, but it is in different ways. God is our best planner in life. Let us stop being too unhappy for the sad and bad things in our lives. Be grateful for each and every things in our life. Trust in 'God' is the only way to live a happy life in bliss.
We have to make frequent travels in our lives by train, bus, car, boat, ship, aeroplane etc. I know we all seems to be relaxed in our trips if it is a long one even we do. The question is that do we know the driver of the vessel. No, right, even though we can relax. That is because of the 'Almighty' who takes care of each one of us.
We, me & my husband, had to visit our children frequently who lives in two different continents. For the last nine years we are travelling. We are able to be at our hometown only for less than a month. Thank 'God' to keeping us active and lively. For the last four trips we were too busy to do the pending works at home, take care of our dear ones back home and the social activities and to meet our friends and relatives. The previous day to fly is a sleepless day for me to keep home neat and tidy, to pack things at home, get ready for the trip, entrust our neighbours and loving tenants with the routine activities of gardening, watering, weeding etc., phone numbers of electrician, plumber, handy men, gardener and house cleaner. My husband used to say 'why can't you lay down for some time, you need to rest?' But I can't.
 In the flight, I am so comfortable for a nice sleep. Only at lunch and dinner time, my husband used to wake me up. Once, woke up then will get refreshed and watch some favourite show. Thus, I should say I always enjoy the flights to USA & Australia.
Some of my friends wonder, how can I sleep soundly in the flight. They used to ask me, 'Are you not afraid?' But, I feel the trust in 'God' is the only answer to me why I can be comfortable and enjoy these long flights. We don't know the pilot, we don't know our fellow passengers, we don't know any one in the crew, even then, most of us are relaxed during flight. That is only because we believe in the 'Almighty'.
 We come to this world with empty hands and leave this world with empty hands. Let us therefore live a humble life and always be thankful and grateful to 'God' for everything. 'God' loves us more than anything.The only way to relax in life is to have a strong belief and faith in 'God'. We are safe in the hands of 'God'. Let us live in gratitude for the gifts in our life for each and everyday.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Independent Aging is the need of the hour....

Be an optimist to live a life of independent aging. Children are always caring towards their parents. But as long as you can go on yourself to enjoy your life to it's maximum. Independence is the key factor for independent aging. Downsize your house and choose your residence in an area where shopping, doctor's office, restaurants, library, bus stops, banks, cinema theatre and public park are nearby.  Fix your daily schedule with physical activities, healthy eating, reading and fun. Regular medical check-ups, catching up with friends, dine outs, day outs, window shopping if you like and short trips are very important to include in your lifestyle. Discuss openly with your dear ones about your needs if any to attend by them. Here it should be 'needs' not 'wants' which can easily upset the relation. Associate with the nearby community and get involved in the activities which helps one to stay connected and to live an active and lively life. Retirement homes are also a wise option if you prefer not to go for personal billing for water, electricity and gas bills. The common activities for physical and mental enrichment at the retirement homes will cheer you up.
Internet is a real gateway to age independently. Internet enhance the life of the seniors in many ways. The older adults are having the ability to age successfully being enhanced by technology. Digital services helps them to stay current with the lives of their children and grandchildren. They are quite good enough to use the digital devices effectively. Emails, text messages, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pintrest are adding pictures, videos, activities and updates to the family matters. What' Sapp, Skype, Face Time are absolutely bringing connections to life which enables the communication between dear and near ones far beyond what words and voices alone can provide. Having an internet connection allows one to be in touch with anybody in the world without further call charges. As grandparents we are so lucky to see and hear our grandchildren as we are close together through Face Time. Web-connected programmes help seniors to be in contact with TV news and daily newspapers. Seniors can easily share their thoughts with the interactive features in the social media. They can do online shopping feeling free they are not depending on others.
Maintaining a normal life style is very essential to keep up your self esteem and general physical and mental health. Living a simple and disciplined life style helps an individual to age independently.

Seniors and Social Media

Seniors broadband community programme
Social media sites are not only for youngsters but also for a lot of seniors who are having engaged and busy on the media sites. The social media are helping seniors to stay in touch with their friends, family and relatives. More over they are aware of the current activities and events in the modern and advanced digital age. The internet is a happy home for seniors to connect with the world. Now through out the world computer education and internet access is strengthened, not only to equip the young people but also to equip the seniors and housewives of even remote areas. Seniors are willing to go to online schools and they are very satisfied with online learning even more than the young. Seniors are now shopping online to avoid the trouble of driving or finding parking lots, walking long or standing for a long time and to get away from crowds. Internet can enrich their lives by watching old hit movies, listening to their all time favourite music, listening to devotional speeches, writing their favourite topics in online magazines and can start a blog by their on and keep on updating. Through online seniors can learn new skills, plan trips, reserve tickets, hotels, reserve tickets for movies, place order for a special dinner and be in touch with like groups of people.
All the benefits as seniors me and my husband are enjoying in our life. We are not at all bored, we are busy with reading news, updating current events, writing on blogs, teaching other senior friends online, like wise a lot of pleasant and happy activities on online. Hat's off to the internet and online for keeping us, the seniors healthy and happy. Social media is a great way for seniors to get connected with the world and stay connected with the people.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Grandma's Delight....My new book on Cookery

Today got the mail from the publishers H&C, Trissur, India, about the release of my new book on cookery. In our regional language there already a book named " Ammuvinte Ruchibhedangal" on cookery in 2013. This book in English was actually due to the request of my son in law. He told me, I can not read your book because it is in Malayalam. He is a Malayalee, but as born and brought up in Pune, Maharashtra he does not know to read and write Malayalam. He speaks very well in Malayalam. That is why I am an author of an English cookery book. Thank you so much Manoj, our son in law, for inspiring me to write a cookery book in English. This is going to be benefitted to our children's friends and of course to our grandchildren who are not able to read Malayalam.
As per the publishers ' Grandma's Delight' is a beautiful cool garden of soul food. The lip-smacking recipes from traditional Keralite kitchens entice the taste buds as well as nourish your body. Due importance has been given to health aspects and nutrition, this cookery book advocates a perfect food habit and an admirable culinary art, that will be relishing forever. Recipes of vegetarian, non vegetarian, sea food, rice items, breakfast/ dinner dishes, salads, evening snacks, pickles and health drinks are there in this book recognizes food not only as a savoury item but also as a tonic- enriching your appetite. vigour and vitality.
I love to cook for those who love to enjoy food. The special ingredient in my recipe is 'love'. Food is the only thing which will become enough for everyone when we are done. Food is categorised under essentials. Eat healthy for a healthy life.
Thanks to the 'Almighty' for blessing me in writing and keeping me busy and engaged in my life.

Friday 21 October 2016

Pressure is a part of Success

Even pressure is a negative thing in one's life pressure can make one better.
In my life  a little pressure used to play a great role for better results. The pressure will lead me to question my over confidence, to become down to earth, to go on searching for more information, to collect details from experienced people like wise a little pressure makes me more alert in every situations and come out with success. Pressure also helps me to achieve my goals in the stipulated time giving me space to get on with another project in my life. My husband used to joke that I have take it as a pattern. But no worries on my part. May be a pattern. It is doing good for me. I should say the little pressure pattern works with me to become more and more confident with my small projects.
Pressure as a part of success helps one to perform better, to stay honest, to experience the hardships and efforts in achievement, understand others, to gain confidence to proceed further in the venture and to come out with success. Pressure also helps one grow positively, take up challenges, tackle the problems in front and to get engaged and stay busy in this beautiful life.

How to face negative comments with confidence?

It is a world of humour. We often use dual meaning comments in a conversation and it is said to be captioned under humour. Is that a real humour or is that a sort of disrespect? But no worries please. People are different. The only way to survive is to learn the skill to listen and interact to negative comments in a positive way with confidence. If you loose your temper you will become a scapegoat, may be that will be the aim of the other person. Even if it is directly to you or to a group where you are also involved, it doesn't matter. Too sensitive people who don't know or like to express comments in a crooked way or with dual sense can not easily get digested and go on smoothly with the situation. In turn they began to think why? Am I not fit for a conversation, am I not good, like wise a lot of things will be in their heads. These people will try to reserve their comments from such humorous people and they escape from the situation. The result is lack of confidence, self respect, lack of faith in self and lack of self growth.
Take every situation as an opportunity to learn. Consult with your mentor about the feelings. You can understand that getting away from situations and conversations are making you always a loser. Don't you need to win? Yes you need. Then what is the option?
 We can't change anybody. But you can change you. You want to be confident. You want to stay calm in the situation to get along. So try the possibilities in front of you. Life is a great institution with a lot of lessons and experiences everyday where we can easily get rid of our sensitive feelings. Start an introspection, 'Nothing will affect me, those words are not mine, I should not get worried with some one else's words. I have a lot of supporters in my life who hear and who needs me. I am not doing anything harm to others'. Just like this everyday do a mindful introspection for a continuous period of at least one month. Stay calm in mind concentrating on a mantra. You can experience the positivity in you. The more positive you are, no one can disturb you. If it is not happening in a month go for extended time and continue your meditation on concentrating on positivity as a routine in your life. Now you are in the right track. No one or no words which are negative can not make you  disturbed. You now have the ability to get rid off or to take it easy  the disheartened and discouraged comments. You are now confident and calm. You can spread happiness to those who surround you.

Get Online excellent programme to empower Mankind

Today a post on Facebook gave the information of 'Get Online Week'. I thought to go and see the activities going on in this week. I was totally ignorant of this campaign till now.
This campaign is organized by the Telecentre Europe (TE) an umbrella organization that represents the European networks of ICT learning centres. The European Get Online Week is an annual digital empowerment campaign that engages and empowers people to use the technology and the internet with confidence and skills. This programme also allows the people to benefit of the world of online opportunities. Online week in 2016 is from 17 -23 October. This year they are celebrating their 10th Get Online campaign.  The campaign is for a week with thousands of events taking place in different centres across the country bringing digital skills and know- how to all. As per the records it is known that out of the programme tens of thousands of people are getting online life. Besides UK and Europe it also has been extended to Africa and Middle East. It helps people to use internet and how internet can make life easier, healthier and happier.
I am so happy in my life with my laptop and internet. This is my second phase of life. After retirement the main link to be in touch with friends and relatives, latest news, games, shows, places of interest, everything are on my finger tips. Thank God, for offering me a simple and easy life with more activities. It allows me to write on blogs, send articles on online magazines, read and save literature and images I required, to search my favourite life quotes, articles, topics and recipes.
In our social organization we run a computer literacy programme with an intention to equip women, especially housewives in using computer, internet and sending mails etc. It is slowly picking up. I believe those who have no idea of computer are illiterate. So it our duty to equip and empower our fellow people to get strengthened in the world of digital.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Be happy and peaceful in Heart....

Happiness is in our reach. Isn't it? All human wants to live happy. Here this 'want' is to be given the priority in our life. Because the most cherished human desire is happiness. Happiness can't be taken from outside. So let us travel through the paths to experience happiness.
Live a simple and humble life.
Focus on self to get changed to live happy.
Treat others with respect in their own ways.
Learn to let go unwanted feelings, things and relations.
Do not expect anything from our deeds to others.
Don't try to let the world know how smart you are?
Travel on your path to live your life with a purpose to serve others.
Differentiate with 'needs' and 'wants' and acquire the capacity to let go the 'wants'.
Love yourself and others not your material assets or other's assets.
Never ever compare yourself or others with anyone or offend anyone..
Don't give sorrow to anyone .
Have trust in the 'Supreme Power' with your whole heart and soul.
Once all these steps are scheduled in our lives it help us to find and enjoy happiness. These paths enable us to understand everyone is right in their own perspective and what we do is for our peace and happiness.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Why to be angry?....results of Anger...

No one can solve problems with anger. If you try to face anger with anger the result will be a big disaster.
Anger in an appropriate level does no harm. Some times, depending on situations, it is required to show or apply a little anger towards your children, students, colleagues, subordinates or spouses. That anger is applicable for the situation and it is gone after that. This type of anger is instant, allow us to think more rationally and there is no ill effect. But high levels of anger are the real issue to ruin the situation, relationship, health of self and others in long run. High level of anger is really great problem and a disaster. Anger turns inward and results in holding grudge and tempt people to do revenges and live in hatred.
Anger puts our heart at real risk. Angry people are having the risk of heart attack twice than others. Anger makes one stroke prone. Immunity will be lost in angry people. Angry people are disease prone and they are more easily affected by lifestyle diseases like diabetes, asthma, blood pressure, cholesterol, digestive disorders and cancer. Angry people are isolated from life due their behaviour and attitude. Anxiety problems are very high in angry people. Anxiety leads to stress and depression. Anger affects the over all health of body and mind and leaves the person unhappy and short tempered.
Let us not to be mad at any one, because 'being mad' is not our purpose in our life.
Let us over come 'anger' by deep breathing and mindful meditation. Identify the factors what triggers anger and get rid of those unwanted elements through intentional meditation. Consult with a psychologist if the meditation process is not working. Accept the psychological tips and continue meditation. Results of the positive change can be experienced within a month of effort. Now it is possible to be positive applying assertive communication and avoid anger in the dealings with others.
Learn to apply humour in discussions, learn to negotiate, learn to cope up with problems, learn to let go the hurts and pains and get away from the situations to stay calm. It is excellent to be calm with a two minutes of deep breathing exercise. Go for getting involved in a great passion, may be a game, an art, a movie, chat with a close friend or a dine out which can help one to get lost of all the anger and negatives and stick on to the 'here and now' situation to enjoy the present.
Let anger not to control us to live a hatred and short span life. Be cool and be happy.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Purification of Self....

Purification of self is the success key in living a healthy and happy life. Follow our heart and do what we love. Let us maintain pure thoughts, good wishes and believes to send out goodness to all in the world. We should take everything around us in a positive way to live in the present. Manage and behave nicely and calmly in the situation we have everything or nothing. Let us count on our blessings everyday instead of worrying on our failures. Humility can transform a person enabling to recognize the right and wrong instantly and to reach into a clear decision.
Life is like a rope. It swings us through hope and happiness which allows one to trust that today is good than yesterday and tomorrow will be much good than today. Listen to the dreams we have to make true in life along with the strategies how to overcome the miracles and finally enjoy the life.
Master the art to get purified. It is not far or hard to get purified, with regular practice it is in our reach.
Cleanse the body by drinking enough water from empty stomach in the morning till evening.
Purify the body and functions by eating healthy and consciously.
Purify the body by observing fasting once in a while.(weekly/fortnightly/monthly)
Purify the body and mind with proper yoga and exercises.
Purify the breath by Pranayama.
Purify the mind by meditation.
Purify the intellect by spiritual knowledge.
Purify the subconscious mind by chanting mantra.
Purify the ego by service.
Purify your inner spirit by observing silence.
Purify the emotions and feelings by love.
Decide to get purified and move ahead to inspire those around you also to master in Self Purification.

Monday 17 October 2016

Celebrate Boss's Day

When I was watching morning news in the TV at San Antonio, came to know that today is Boss's Day. I have never heard there is a day to appreciate Boss. To my surprise I understand it is being celebrated in India also. Being in a chair of a boss for almost twenty years in my job or after my retirement I have never come across this day. Today got it. I thought it will be nice if I remember this day through this blog.
It is so nice to have a day to honour and appreciate our boss in their special day. It was started in 1958 by Ms Patricia Bays Haroski. She was an employee of his father in his 'State Farm Insurance Company', in Deerfield. The idea was her brainchild when she saw the enormous pressure of her father being a boss and to acknowledge all the bosses around the world. She selected her father's birthday October 16th every year to celebrate bosses day. She registered the day as a holiday with the 'Chamber of Commerce' of the United States. In 1962, the then Governor of Illinois, Otto Kerner, declared October 16th as 'National Boss Day'. This day is being celebrated in many countries ever since. If October 16th falls on a holiday, the immediate working day is celebrated as 'Boss Day'.
Bosses are the real motivating factor in an organization. The function of a boss/manager is so indispensable. It is great to have a day and an opportunity to show special respect and gratitude and thank the boss being such a caring and amazing person to keep the whole employees and the organization safe and secure. Bosses can become mentors to the employees.
In my young age I used to tell to my children I have to be in time at office, I have to go/ can't be at home because my boss is too strict, will scold me/punish me/frighten me like that. Even I show the picture of the boss with a big moustache to convince my kids what I said is right. My boss was always a big hero and scary in the mind of my kids. I still remember my son who is older pacifying my daughter to leave me to be in time at office because of the strict boss. Sorry for that, if it happens any of my bosses read this! I always had and even now have great respect and love to my bosses. They were always keeping me inspired and motivated to move ahead. They had played a great role  to be bold and brave in dealing situations and events in my career.
Bosses are really great to keep us, punctual, logical, considerate and perfect. Even though they seems to be tough they are really sensitive at heart. Their vision and leadership makes the employees alert, vibrant and dynamic. It is great and so nice to have a day to celebrate for bosses.
Let us take this day to say a special hello and appreciation to our boss and have a nice time to enjoy lunch with our boss.
'Happy Boss Day to all the Bosses around the World.'

Sunday 16 October 2016

Unlock your Inner Potential....

All of us has the capacity to realize our potential to feel happy and contentment. Even as a kid I was so human oriented. I lived for ten years in erstwhile Borneo with my parents. Back in my village during that time people won't wear slippers. I was one among the few children in the school to wear shoes. After school I was put on tuition on mathematics where the teacher was barefooted. I was taught by my mom, to respect and follow teachers because they are our 'Gurus'. The teacher was so simple, humble and love his students. Then I thought, why the shoes for me? There was a strong inner call in me to follow our teacher and other friends. Next day I walked to school without shoes and was not able to go back in the evening because of the blisters formed in my feet. Then everybody asked, where are your shoes? Why you forgot it? Look at your feet, how can you walk back? I started crying and was forced to tell the truth! Everybody then started consoling me not to do such things to hurt yourself. Slowly I realised I am more a humanitarian and I want to be with them with an equality feeling. Till now I am so concerned with the people around me, it is happening to me wherever I am willing to share what I have with me for the betterment of others.
My career was also very helpful to be in touch with mankind. As an Agriculture expert I worked with the farming community and serve them taking into consideration their emotional and psychological approach. My career and trainings I got made an excellent HRD consultant which is my strength to be with the society. After retirement I become a full time social worker and volunteer among girls and women. Now I am so happy to be a speaker, writer, author of  books and a freelance blogger on cookery and lifestyles.
Knowing the strength of helping mankind and the happiness and love in return by them triggered me to stick on with service and volunteering. Now there are people around me who wants me. To be with them is the greatest contentment in my life.
We can identify our inner strength and passion within us to reach our inner potential. Don't be doubtful to bring out your passion. You can do what you want. Get more knowledge on your ideas, collect information, read the experiences of some others in the field, share with some experts for better skills and stretch out to the related blogs to get your life goal done.
This will help us to get the strength to achieve our life purpose and to discover our sleeping potential.
Mindfulness to our personal growth is the powerful tool for us to grow and excel. Go on with the steps and find out the areas to work out more to build up full confidence. Focus on the accomplishments and keep growing to excel your inner potential more and more. Belief in yourself to unlock your potential and climb up. Determination, Discipline, Dedication and Devotion are the only success keys to identify and discover your true potential!

Friday 14 October 2016

Be True to Yourself....

Act according to your true self to live happy. Love yourself to find your true self. Unless you can't love yourself and true to yourself you can't love anything else or can't be true to anyone else. It may be not easy to accept this because we live in a world to please others.
In some occasions we use to reserve our comments due to fear of expression, tell lies to please others, do things what we don't like, hide our opinion because of minority, compliment unnecessarily, behave happy or sad according to the situation, like wise we behave like we are not in our true self. Just to please the group. The result is 'you punished yourself'. The wrong thing you did will hinder your comfort.
When you start to love yourself you will be able to say, "I don't care', I don't like, this is not my opinion, I love this, like wise, in a polite and friendly way you can express yourself. Respect and recognize your talents along with respect to others. Then you can and will be able to accept yourself as you are.  Here comes self- respect being true to you. Now you can easily act in accordance with your basic nature. Stand for the right thing and for what you believe for the right result. Others will only respect you when you love yourself. You are strong and able when you are true to yourself. Your unique skills will shine out with fearless and creative techniques. You will be able to live your life in good values. You will have the mind to allow others also to take decisions and participate in the situations with due respect. You can enrich self and others by being yourself. It is a real gift from the 'Supreme Power' to know your true self. You are introspective and sincere. You are really Unique'. You feel at ease, your wisdom rules you, you need not lie, you are not afraid to be judged and more over you are confident comfortable.

Have Faith in You!

Everyday is different. Some days are easy going, some days are planned but some days will be filled with expectancies not calculated. How can we manage all these days? Do you believe in yourself? If not your life is in trouble. We all have equal opportunities. But what is pulling away is lack of confidence. At college, during my late teens, I was so shy and frustrated to sing or do a speech. I was side tracked and labelled as 'shy'. I lost many opportunities to show my skills. Academically very brilliant, but very poor in presenting skills.
After my marriage my husband found out the skills hidden in me. He had a faith in me and gave support to come out from my tortoise shield. Here I am now, ready for everything with my right foot ahead to run. I am thankful to my beloved husband who recurringly encouraged and motivated to come out to enjoy and live in this beautiful world. Again I am thankful that I believe in me. I am thankful to the 'Supreme Power' that I am able to do, share, support and also to live a quality life. All these for me are only because I have the faith in me.
We have to take a strong decision to believe in self. Why should I hesitate to do? What is pulling me back? Do I not having enough information of the subject to be dealt? Do I live as a winner or as a victim. The option lies with us. Let us be winners! When we decide to win in our life that will make us explore the hidden talents and skills in us. This ignition will lead and direct us to learn more, collect all the information, helps us to be in contact with others, share and learn experiences in dealings of others and to awake the capacities sleeping within us to rise as a phoenix bird.
What ever we do is having a reflection on us. Doing things positively always helps us to be positive. Doing things voluntarily can results in voluntary approaches from others when we are in hard times. Doing things with gratitude will fill you with love, kindness, courage and self-esteem.
Doing things honestly helps to fill with you tons of creative and innovative ideas and to think, act and solve problems in different ways. Doing things spontaneously makes you transparent and easily accessible person. Successful people can make the situation happy and productive while others will be searching for reasons why and what. We all have to face uncertainty and contingencies in our life. We need to move forward with a strong faith in us to figure it out. That is the belief in self. Once you have the faith in you, the rest like opportunity, information, knowledge or skills will follow. Go on with faith in you to make things happen. So why to wait? Have faith in you and become a winner in life!!!

Thursday 13 October 2016

Learning is a gift....So keep on learning thorugh out....

Is there any age bar for learning? I will say no. I learned a lot after my thirties and still now I am learning new things. Wisdom is far better than any other assets. Those who stop learning get old, those who keep on learning stay young. Keep your mind young to stay healthy and creative.
We are learning throughout our life. We are learning new skills at work and community. We learn home management, parenting, gardening, stitching, cooking like in our daily needs we start to master in later age. Not even the routine we can learn other subjects which are useful for self and the society for service. I learned Yoga in my thirties, learned Human resource management in my forties, Astrology in my mid forties, Jewellery making, Sujoku, Foot and Hand reflexology, Chakra Cleansing, Nuerobics, Mudra Healing, French language, Tai chi , Chi kung and Music in  fifties and still in the learning process of solving puzzles and Sudoku. Always love to keep update in current news. All this help me to get involved in all the groups I come across around the world. Age is not a barrier. Can easily mingle with children, youth and peer group.
Most of us associate learning with formal education at school and college. We are told from an early age, we should get good education to acquire qualifications for a better placement and position in our life. We are told that education helps us to become successful in our career and build up a beautiful life. But after our academic learning for degrees, there are many fields to further develop our knowledge and life skills which are highly essential in our life. So keep on learning where ever you are to activate your brain, have a nice bunch of friends in different fields and to stay active and vibrant. Make learning as a part of your life everyday.
Learning makes one simple and humble. Learning helps to cultivate good qualities of love, kindness and compassion. Learning makes one flexible. Learning throughout our life helps to be an optimist. It is a self choice whether to maintain positive attitude in our life. Learning helps us to understand the world around us and provides us quality boosting our self esteem and confidence to take up risks and challenges and show us the true purpose of our life.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Keep Calm and Think differently to be creative...

Approach your problem in a new perspective. This helps you to leave the conventional methods and think differently. Think outside the box, to have a tons of ideas to solve the problem.
Yesterday night I was not able to find the TV remote. Today morning after breakfast I started looking for the TV remote again. After the search of half an hour again the spots I searched yesterday I became desperate. Our grandson is with us. Searched in his toy basket, under the couch, behind the TV table, everywhere in the living room. I left it. Around 10.30 I went to the office room to have a plain paper. There it is. The TV remote under the coffee table. Our little one played with it and dropped it there. I felt ashamed. Why I searched in the living room only? I should have to go out and search for it. This refreshed me the thoughts on how to solve a problem. Don't stay within, go out and search for more and more steps to solve the problem.
We need to step back to see if the solutions to our problems lie outside. This helps us to be flexible, think different, break the conventional thoughts and encouraging us to look for more creative ideas to solve the problem. We can develop the skill of thinking from outside by constant practice. Change your attitude, allow your mind to travel through different ideas, look back at the problem in various angles, be optimistic, talk with your friends who are experts in problem solving, get innovative and creative ideas apply to your problems and get it solved. This will help us to stay active, energetic and vibrant through out our life.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Let us join hands to empower our girls around the world.....

Wow! Today is the 'International Day of the Girl Child'. Our girls are our treasure. Without them the world won't grow. Without them there will be no love and peace. Without them there will not be harmony. Or with our girls and women we are blessed to have love, peace and harmony. Gender is of course different. In traditional age men  were considered to be bold, dominant, powerful, aggressive and administrative while women were considered to be tender, lovable, obedient, submissive and behind the curtain. In my childhood I was brought up with a lot of don'ts where my brother was enjoying a lot of dos. Truly that had effected my dreams of future. I was not able to dream to become a pilot or a captain. Also teenage marriage was a style considering that if the daughter is married the parents are free. Is that true? I should clearly say no. Girls require equal opportunities like boys. Daughters are to treated equally as sons.
Still the scenario is not much changed in rural areas. Even now child marriages are going on. Girls are not getting higher education. Women are forced to do the household chores, farm works and family matters. Our girls are very intelligent and creative. But they can't rise to the potential of their dreams due to discrimination, violence and lack of education and opportunities.
As an active member of AIWC (All India Women's Conference, India) we are very keen to give awareness to the girls and women, on domestic violence, work place abuse, on their rights  and the necessity to have a job to stand on their own feet. Skill training programme are there for women and girls. Crèches are running to enable the moms to drop their kids.
Women are voluntarily doing multitasks to maintain happiness and peace at home between spouse, kids and other members. Girls are to be educated to own a job and be an earning member of the family.
Thankful to have the International Day of the Girl Child on 11th of October every year from 2012.
We as  devoted citizens and  enlightened persons, dedicate our time to recognize the challenges area wise and promote the rights of girls and empower the girls around the world to improve their lives.
Yes, we can inspire and motivate our girls and young women by building up their capacity to own life skills and live honoured with joy and peace.

Significance of Navratri....

Today is 'Vijayadashami' also known as 'Dussehra' an important Hindu festival  celebrated in India and Nepal. It falls in September or October months based on the 10th day of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the month of Asvin/ Kanni according to Hindu and Malayalam calendar respectively.  It is a religious festival that celebrates victory of goodness over evils. It is the tenth day of celebration of Navratri. Navratri is a cultural festival of great significance and importance of Hindus. The nine days of Navratri are based on the three qualities of tamas, rajas and satva. The first three days are tamas, dedicated to the goddess of fierce, Durga, next three days are dedicated to the goddess of gentleness, Lakshmi, and the last three days are dedicated to the goddess of knowledge and enlightenment, Saraswati. Dedicating to tamas makes one powerful, to rajas makes one compassionate, to satva makes one wise. After Navratri on Vijayadashami one conquered all these qualities and won over them. Being in reverence and gratitude towards everything that matters us leads to victory.
Meaning of Vijayadashami or Dussehra is the removal of the ten bad qualities in humans.
Those ten qualities are Ego, Cruelty, Injustice, Lust, Anger, Greed, Over Pride, Jealousy, Attachment and Selfishness. Hence it is known as Vijayadashami signifying 'Vijaya' means victory over 'dashami' means ten bad qualities. The day marks the victory of goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura. Durga fought with evil for ten days and nine nights and come out with victory on dashami, that is the tenth day. Being in reverence and gratitude with mother earth, the cosmos, the humankind and our body, mind and soul lead us to determination, dedication and devotion towards all our activities with promising successes. Vijayadashami is an auspicious occasion to initiate a child into the world of learning.
Also for children to commence their education in music, art forms and classical dance and to pay homage to their 'Gurus'. It is believed that any new venture started on 'Vijayadashami' brings success and prosperity.

Monday 10 October 2016

Gratitude brings Happiness....

Lives are made up of equal parts of sorrow and happiness. It is impossible to live our lives to have one without the other. Set backs and tragedies are part of life. How much we are able to overcome the difficulties in our daily lives depends on the survival skill to find happiness and to reclaim.
An incident happened in my life. It was a Saturday, 29th September 2001. I need to attend a special meeting convened by the Minister of Agriculture at 5pm. Back home at 8.30 pm, my husband opened the door for me with a message, 'today was my last day in office, I am retired'. I was so surprised and shocked. What? He told yes, it is true. The reputed company wisely chose the date, because it was a Saturday, court will be only up to afternoon, next day a Sunday, so closing the opportunity of the victims not to approach the court for the next 2 days. The retirement age was 60. In the order, company decided the retirement age to be 58, and all those who completed the age of 58, need to be relieved from their duties as the part of superannuation. My husband described the situation of shock suffered by his colleagues. What to do next? Children are studying, some constructing their houses, likewise lot of activities to be completed. We were having no pension scheme. Our children were also doing their professional course and I thought what next? Two more years need for our children to graduate in their courses. How to manage the finance without any planning? We never had an idea of the cut of  financial resource we were enjoying. Our life suddenly turned upside down. A night is in front of us. We need to live happily. So let us find out some techniques. Being a counsellor my husband was so strong to comfort me. He told me, "we are lucky, look at the blessings we are enjoying. Two beautiful, intelligent and kind children, a beautiful home, our perfect health, your job, our loving relatives and friends, then what else we need. Let us be grateful to the 'Almighty' for providing us with all what we need in our life.  Let us plan our life from this moment with our present budget to find happiness and live a healthy life with gratitude. Let us stay in this situation and build up to get through this situation." I was so relieved to see his positive attitude in the new situation. Yes, I am ready. I can, I will find happiness in the world. This is not at all a tough time. The challenge in front of me start shrinking when compared with the abundance of blessings we are enjoying. We jointly decided to face this situation happily with our well wishers.
This triggered in me how to cultivate gratitude daily in my life. This also reminded, self despite everything that is happening to one, there are still a lot of options and plans one can set. For the last fifteen years, I have been practicing to focus on the present, to focus on the right, to focus on the reality to live a happy life and to make others surrounded me to be happy. Meditation and mindfulness are the important keys making me feel grateful in life. Before falling asleep at night, I rewind the day and enjoy the blessings with gratefulness. This state of happiness helps me to sleep in a state of gratitude. Only with gratitude we can be happy.
Gratitude is always within our reach and it lifts spirits. Gratitude is associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people to be optimistic with good thoughts, words and deeds. Gratitude also helps people to stay in good health, build healthy relations and face challenges in a positive approach.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Time is so precious...

We can hear people complaining, time is flying, what can I do?
I wanted to go there, but no time.
I hoped I should attend the function but I was too busy.
I wished I would attend the 75th birthday of my aunt, but I was doing pending works at home.
I wanted to watch the movie on Saturday but I was sleepy.
I wanted to take my kids to the zoo but was not in a good mood.
Likewise there are a lot of excuses and reasons for not doing the things. You are free to do whatever you want, but why to find some excuses and feel happy with the sympathy from others like,
I know you are working, I know your kids are too small, I know you have to look after all the works, I know you are too tired. Likewise you are comfortable hearing those sympathetic words and feel happy.
Is that wise for people spending their time finding fault with other things. NO, not at all.
I still remember, during my earlier years, I pick my dress just before going to bath and entrust my husband, can you please iron this for me? Later I completely understood, I should manage my time to be in a nice mood. Now, I am retired. Doing a lot of activities. Not at all a single complaint, that I won't have time. Proper planning and organisation is making my time more and more worth. Lot of activities to do, besides routine activities, daily blogging, updating websites, social activity, taking care of grandkids, daily physical activity and time for inner travel. Now days are so worthy.
If you really want to spend your time productively you need to work out. Everybody is blessed with 24 hours a day. Time is the unique and only asset, distributed equally to all.
So it is in our own hands, how to utilize it. No worries, let us see how can we work it out.
Just review your weekly activities and find out the important and unimportant things you attended.
Pin point the important activities and stick on it, not to miss them and stay relaxed.
Write it down because we can't record and keep all those in our head.
Keep a to - do - list to manage your time efficiently and effectively.
Learn to say 'NO' to things you are not able to do within the time limit.
Pick up your clothes, iron it, get ready other things to carry by you and your kids the previous day.
Have a nice sleep of 7 to 9 hours to stay fresh and energetic.
Don't miss your exercises and meditation to have a healthy mental & physical state.
Take care to have a healthy meal to keep you energised and productive.
Make your mornings pleasant by listening to soft & positive music, delegating and sharing.
Focus on your tasks and goals and make it clear to complete it at the best within the stipulated time.
Find out the areas you spent more time and not productive like gossiping, social media, chatting etc.
Go for single task priority unless it is so particular to attend multitasks.
Learn to delegate tasks, both household and official,  rather than keeping all with you to finish.
Always organize your tasks, plan it and implement it with sincerity and dedication.
Review your time spending, weekly, fortnightly and monthly, to see whether you are utilising time at the best, keep on doing and correct it as and when required not to follow the mistakes and misuse your precious 'TIME'.
Once you are in the right track of your valuable time, organize, go ahead and be the 'Master of Time Management' in your family, group, circle and community.


Friday 7 October 2016

Develop higher consciousness for Spiritual Growth...

No one is born peaceful but every one is born with the ability to realize inner peace and spread peace in the world.
As we grow up we realize the emotions, the plus and minus of the feelings and the impact of the feelings in our personal growth. By developing positive attitudes, practising mindfulness and greater levels of consciousness exposes one to spiritual awareness and helps to lead a better life. This helps one to integrate spirituality in their life. Our level of consciousness increases as our spiritual awareness lightens. Spiritual development can be attained by surrendering to the 'Supreme Power'. Once we feel that we are guided by the 'Supreme Power', then it is easy to climb the steps of 'Spiritual Growth'. Each step reveals the goodness of your inner self and you can experience divinity. It starts improving us personally and spiritually. Spiritual growth is possible when we realize the difference between material riches and inner power. It is the balance between material needs and spiritual needs. Travel within and see your inner world filled with high potentials of love, purity, happiness, strength, wisdom, peace and bliss rather than the outer world of material assets. The darkness inside need to be expelled to lighten the lamp of higher consciousness within and to build up the potentials to lead a better life. This enlightenment makes one to feel the 'Oneness' among everything in the 'Universe.' As the awareness level increases an 'Aura' will be formed in the shape of a sphere around us which can perceive everything with common sense and intuition. Personal spiritual growth is represented by the size of the sphere and it's sustainability requires continuous care and attention. Daily meditation, prayers and service (seva) are the essentials for spiritual growth.
I realised the potentials in me through constant meditations. Meditation is a powerful technique to attain personal spiritual growth. Regular meditation is a crystal clear path to enlighten our inner self and lead a spiritual life with inner peace and bliss.

Why Spiritual Growth is Important?

To live a harmonious life spiritual knowledge is a must. Spiritual knowledge helps one to lead a 'Holistic life'. Spiritual growth is an inner process to get rid of the darkness such as egos and negative emotions. Spiritual growth helps to increase our awareness level and brighten our inner self.
Spiritual maturity can be attained by anyone who has a strong desire to serve the 'Universe'. In this fast world everyone need to be spiritually awakened to lead a happy life without fear and anxiety.
Spiritual maturity allows one to enjoy and experience inner peace by stepping up
1. To focus on self instead of changing others
2. Whatever you do is for your own peace
3. Ability to let things go on it's way
4. Accept others as they are
5. Understand everyone is right in their own perspective
6. Never expect anything in return from anybody
7. Do things by your own without fear
8. Stop comparing with others
9. Stop proving your success and merits
10. Ability to differentiate between 'needs' and 'wants' and able to let go 'wants'
11. Stop attaching happiness to material things
and you at peace with yourself.
Practice meditation everyday to observe your inner self is stronger than your environment.
Try to see the inner beauty in everything.

Travel is to take a journey into and Transforms....

We all love to travel. Are we travelling a lot for ourselves? Sure we are travelling regularly for work, to kid's school and other activities, to shop, to visit our friends, to doctor's office like that it is a long list. What about the travel to a place to experience joy in our life? Where is time? Yes, we are least bothered about vacation trips. We are not finding time to travel blaming our busy life schedule. And leaving a dream, we can travel after retirement.
We, for the last forty years, love to travel to learn life skills and experience life to the fullest. We too with the similar busy was able to plan annual trips during school vacation and short trips on a monthly basis which really confused our friends, 'where are you getting time to do these trips'. Simple answer is, 'if you wish to travel, you can travel, time will be on your way for the trip'.
As a kid I was fortunate to live in Brunei where my father worked and enjoyed picnics with our friends and travel to our mother land once in three years. That was in early sixties, we sailed for a week to reach our mother land. The beautiful experiences are still nostalgic for me and the true spirit behind the later travels. After my marriage, we both were fond of travelling and even now we are continuing  travel. We won't want to loose an opportunity to travel. If we are ready then we can make it easy to make interim arrangements of what we are needed at home such as taking care of pets and our aged parents. I know a lot of people are not even ready for a trip thinking about what will happen to our routine works to be attended at home and pets like wise.
Travel is to be made, part of our life in all stages to explore the world outside, to learn the wonderful opportunities outside which are beyond our imagination and to find a new purpose in our lives instead to set apart for later phase in our life. Travel means, it is to take a journey into ourselves. Travel is the most important investment in our life to improve ourselves by exploring the hidden talents within enabling to learn life skills to face challenges in life to transform our lives to the better. Travel helps us to learn about self and to take care of us to keep us in good health.

For us once in a month we go for a weekend trip to a new destination to enjoy nature, interact with people, experience the local cuisine and have a break from our routine activities. We were blessed to travel almost all parts of our State during our monthly trips. Of course there are more spots to visit. Our annual trips helped us to travel across our country. Now to visit our children we visiting other continents.  Each and every trip helps us to experience more and more joy and bliss in our life. Each trip are a lesson to me where I am able to learn and develop for a better me. Once in a while I would prefer to travel with an open schedule. Mostly we do those trips in villages. Such trips help me to be part with the local people and stay with them to know their beautiful life. An amazing realisation was that they won't need reservation or a pre-booking for the stay and for the guides. Those were wonderful experience for us to know how innocent are the people in villages and enjoy their whole heartedness. Travel helps to face challenges in life in a better way and solve the problems more easier. Daily routine helps us to follow a schedule. Travel teaches us to be flexible and to adjust with new and strange situations. Travel is really exciting. Each travel teaches me to be a better person with more life skills to live my life without prejudice. Travel gives new insights to watch and see the world outside and to experience the interconnectedness with other people. Travel exposes us to interact more with people, to experience more with new cultures, cuisines and life styles,  to capture more beautiful sceneries of nature, to find a new path in our life to support others to experience a greater quality and peace in life. Travel gives a wide circle of friends , makes to smile always, to try new things in different situations and turning into new experiences which helps to understand a different way of life by supporting others.
Travelling is a skill to make regular life more easier. We can develop self confidence and become more resourceful. It helps us to view life from the outside and enables us solve the problems of life in a different approach. Travel allows us to research in new cultures, religions, cuisines and lifestyles. Travel makes us understand that we all are 'One' and we need to love each other to be and live in 'Peace'.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Make the best with what you have.....

Make the best of everything instead of waiting to have the best of everything. Most of us focus on what we don't have. Go on focusing on what we do have and gain it. Get rid of the constant floating thoughts of what we lack in our life. The power of positive thoughts are what you are. The constant belief to have a great life is what we experience. Let our focus become the reality of success and happiness in life. It is humane looking for an ideal time and waiting to do. This helps only to be pessimist rather than optimist. Make do the best with whatever we have, whether it is good or bad. Don't get tempted to do things later one day when you expect the situation will be perfect for you.
Once you start doing things with what you have, you can experience that you are busy all day with contentment and happiness and more and more things are coming on your way. You have created the conditions of making use of the opportunities in front of you and you are going to have more and more opportunities to work on. If this is your way of action you are progressing and moving forward with enthusiasm and dedication in your life. Experience the overflowing of ideas in front of you everyday assuring the purpose of your life. It is the attitude of us, how do we look on what we have?
Realize the richness in front of us, analyse it on it's positives and negatives and work on the very best out of it. Once you start succeeding in making the best, then you can feel everything in front of you can be made helpful for you. You will learn the skill of making use of the situations you can realize what to be done and what not to be done. You mind is under the control of your soul which helps you to do everything with happiness without any regret or hate. Your thoughts are here backed up by the wisdom of reasoning. This helps to enlighten your true self in thoughts, words and actions.