Thursday 29 September 2016

Stay in touch with Workplace friends....

Today I made a phone call to my senior friend at office who is my mentor. The chat between us go on for 15 minutes on various activities and about our annual get together in India, which falls on every second Saturday of October. We both are out of the country and we shared the missing of us in the meeting. After the chat, I thought to share the missing of the presence of our close, long related friends due to our consecutive travels.
I am retired and now lives with our daughter in USA. We use to visit and live with our son in Australia. For the last 8 years we are travelling between Australia and America to spend quality time with our children. Our home now feels like a hub for a short stay in every year. During my service I had a lot of friends who were colleagues. We had wonderful time after office and are still in good relations. We, a close knit  group of friends love  to gather once in a month for lunch and a short picnic, along with to visit our more senior friends at their home, to feel the warmth and enjoy the love and pleasure of our friendship. Being away,  I am missing the nice get-together back in our country and the functions related in connection with marriage of children and birthdays parties on an extended friendship basis.
I should say we were lucky and blessed to have the most enduring friendships in our official career in different age groups. I am getting invitations from my friends over emails and keep replying it. Thank you all my dear friends! Keeping in touch with my official life friends help me keeping a diverse circle of social contact. The regular contact with our colleagues makes us more happy and energetic. Hat's off to the most advanced technology of communication tools like, internet, Face book, emails, what's app and mobile texting to keep in touch with my best and favourite friends all around the world.
Staying in touch with colleagues during and after retirement helps us physically, mentally and spiritually to adjust happily with our beautiful life. As long as we have friendships, we won't feel lazy and lonely. Keep in touch with friends to maintain a regular and a life long friendship. The more we maintain our friendships the more active we shall be. Now I try to keep a wide circle of friends back in India, in Australia and in USA to enjoy friendships across the globe. This absolutely keeps me busy and totally engaged where ever I am. Along with friends we can be part of the society getting involved in social activities.  

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