Friday 23 September 2016

Dream and Make it Happen...

Dreams are the key part in living a better life. Kids dream of playing with their friends and dreaming play dates. All has the right to dream and make it happen. Dream in your field of operation. Dream where you will be next year, five years later, after a decade, after fifty, after sixty and that. Go on dreaming and fixing the goal in your life. Work hard with a burning desire, determination and devotion to make your dreams happen. There is no cut off age to dream. Dream makes one enthusiastic, creative and innovative. Dreams make one to lead a productive life and to excel in their life. So why to doubt? Let us dream and fix the goal to achieve.
Behind every successful enterprises and people there had been dreams. 'Disney World' is the dream of Walt Disney with a mouse. Like that the biographies of winners narrated about their dreams which lead to success. These books are wonderful guides which we can read and get inspired.
The dream should be big rather than small. The dream should be analysed before implementing. The steps in every stage should be researched by you. An example towards this is interesting.
Two friends went for fishing one day. One was catching fish, but he was leaving them carefully back into the river. The other was also getting enough. Why you are not collecting the fish you caught, his friend asked. His answer was,' I am having a small pan, the fish I caught, can't get fit in the pan.'
The friend told him, Oh why can't you cut it and cook in the pan? That idea opened his eyes and had fish for his dinner that day. Like that, go for big dreams to succeed in life.
Small dreams don't allow one to develop to the fullest. Your limited thoughts and beliefs make you feel you can't reach the point.
I love to serve the world. In my official career, I was able to do my work with due respect and great involvement. Then after retirement, where should I be? Lot of ideas came into my dream to live my life to my satisfaction.
Thought of starting a play group for infants and toddlers, starting a day care centre for old women, conducting a yoga and meditation centre for women and girls like that. I love travel, photography, visiting our friends and relatives, likewise my passions are also too strong. Our children live in different continents where our services are required and with love and gratitude, I used to say we are 'on call'. Then how the above programmes will go smoothly.
Then comes my freelance works on social activities, volunteering, spiritual groups, writing, blogging, teaching yoga to the needy, conducting and taking classes in the awareness programmes of voluntary organisations like, AIWC, OISCA International, Thanalil and other local organisations. I belief I am on 'On Call' by the Supreme Power and ever ready to act. Now I am an author, a writer and a speaker for the goodness and wellness of our people and communities in the planet. I can very well adapt in the communities of other continents during the visit to our children by doing some little things for the beautiful people where ever I am. I am so thankful to the 'Almighty', guiding me to lead this life as 'who I am' and 'for what I am'.
When we start full filling our dreams, the challenges will get tackled easily and wisely, through  disciplined systems, over coming hurdles ahead, finally winning your goals and targets and becoming a role model in your society to inspire and motivate others.
It is very easy to live a normal, average and happy life. People around will always support you. Living normal in one side it is cool and happy but if you want to live your life to the fullest, than don't go for short cuts and with easy and leisurely plans, go forward, the path is clear in front of you with miles and miles ahead. It is clear there may be and have adventures in front of you. So also people around you at this stage may criticize you, instead of living quietly you are very ambitious and pretending to be smart. Never ever get pulled back based on the comments of your loved ones, take a firm decision that your life is to live to the fullest with a service mind to serve the mankind and the Universe.


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