Tuesday 6 September 2016

Peace in Work....Enjoy Peace in every step

At office or work place we can see different types of people. Pleasant and unpleasant, aggressive and possessive, arguing and submissive, loving and hatred, kind and unkind like wise people are totally different. Even the job can be boring and the boss can be very autocrat. Some days we need to handle unfriendly clients.
We can hear the conversations between friends eagerly waiting for a long week end or for a vacation to get refreshed from this daily chaos at work place. The wait is for getting out of the daily life and have some inner peace. But is it a healthy situation for a person to have a vacation for experiencing inner peace. No, not at all.
Every day will not be the same even at office, home or in personal life. But to find happiness rest upon you only. If one can feel a home away home situation at work place means, the person is having peace at mind. So let us learn to experience peace and enjoy every moment, right where we are. When our mind is peaceful the whole atmosphere become peaceful. Some tips to take care to enjoy peace at office and to support others experience peace who are surrounded in our life.
Always give priority to set your goals ready to achieve the next day.
Wake early to have your personal time to get ready and relaxed.
Give a hand to your spouse and kids at home to start their day happily.
Utilise the travel time to office to read your favourite book, listen to your favourite music or whatever you prefer to do.
Greet your colleagues at office and having a nice chat for a few seconds to have healthy relations.
Take a break whenever you are tensed or in low energy during work.
Talk in a nice way and be polite with only positive words in your discussions.
Always avoid discussions with your dislike persons to maintain peace in your mind.
Get involved in your work to get away from other thoughts of distractions.
Visualize a peaceful and fruitful discussion with a demanding boss or someone who makes you and others tensed or angry.
Don't compete with anybody at office to be in a better place, do your work and leave it to come on it's own way.
Don't carry your office work at home to destroy the peace at home.
At home get refreshed, have a nice and fun time with family at the dinner table.
Before bed feel grateful for the beautiful day we had and await for the beautiful sunrise in our life.


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