Monday 26 September 2016

'HOPE' to live a Life of Success....

Hope is the most important key in our life to proceed further. Everyone in the world needs hope. Hope is the fuel to drive us on our expectations that we are going to win and succeed. Hope is the real faith in God. When you trust God, then you can be happy always even in bad times. Hope make us confident, strong, positive, assertive and proactive. Hope so strong to build in you a burning desire. Hope gives us the attitude that something good is going to be happened. So why to worry?
Once we have faith in our hopes, it is determined. Then there is no space to loose, we can win.
Since human nature is impatient, we need to have trust and faith in hope to achieve things even if it takes time.
The story of the rabbit and tortoise shows us the hope, patience and trust. The rabbit was so fast and ran ahead. The tortoise thought, this is a sport, I should do justice in my race. Let me complete my race. So instead of giving up, the tortoise slowly, step by step went forward. The over confidence and over self respect make the rabbit to under estimate the tortoise and went for a nap. The rabbit, slept and the tortoise wondered, yes I am on the victory stand. Hope, with faith in God and involvement in the task with dedication and devotion are very important in success.
Let's  live in hope to feel the comfort, live on hope to get sustained and live with hope to make hope as a part of our lives.
I was a person taught to live in fear in my childhood. I was under fear when I do anything. If anything bad happened I was fearful to present that before my parents. But I was also taught to have trust in God. Slowly while growing up, the strong faith in God helped me to go ahead with hopes instead of fears in my mind. This helps me sow the seeds of hope in my goals, weed off the seedlings of fear in me and proceed with a positive attitude that I can win. The trust and faith in me made me more simple, humble and down to earth which I believe the steps for success in my life.
To my readers I should say firmly, 'give no space to fear and doubt in your heart'.
When there is no fear and doubt, God will fill your heart with hope and wisdom the real steps for success and to live a peaceful life.

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