Saturday 3 September 2016

Let us join the Team and live in a We feeling to change the World into a better place

As me, I can't do much for the wellness of the world. As a 'Team' we can achieve more than what I wish. Today's fast and advanced technology is making almost all to stay on their own.
At home one will be on I-phone, other watching TV, other on I-Pad, and may be others on lap top, game room, media room like that. Even there is no stipulated dinner time, because everybody is enjoying their own time and preferred food. Dining table is the most important place to have a discussion with all family members. Also all at home are having keys of the house and free to go out and come back home without disturbing anybody else in the house. But we are missing that and staying alone.
At outside and offices also all like to stay away from others with a good intention not to interfere in others activities and passions. So unlike past now a days every body are living in their own space.
A simple thought on transformation of 'I' to 'WE' reveal that even 'Illness' can be replaced to 'Wellness'. Living in a 'WE' feel and convert all negative energy to positive energy.
Together we can change the world. Let us join a community in our local area who are wholeheartedly making the world to be in a better place.
We feeling is really magical and can create wonders in personality. Instead of pointing one to blame, as a team we can share the responsibility to feel good of all the members. We can create wonders as a team or a community. Lots of creative and innovative ideas will flow spontaneously as a team of 'WE'.

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