Wednesday 28 September 2016

Recharge your brain and mind when you feel empty....

Today I feel empty. Nothing is coming into my mind to get ready for a post. Busy with my grandkids, cooking breakfast and lunch, feeding them, bathing them, playing with them, letting them to go sleep, doing 'Kumon' with the four year old, like wise too busy with household activities. When the four year went for a nap after lunch the 15month old didn't want to have a nap. He slept for two hours before lunch from 10.30am to 12.30pm.
And after evening tea and snacks with the little ones made me think, what to post in my blog today? No ideas in my brain, I feel totally empty. Why I feel like this? Every idea sparkling is getting uninspired. My brain also seems to be helpless to help me. I want to get out of this situation. Now what to do? I am in front of my computer with a blank mind. What to share today? Yes I want to post in my 'Daily Journal' of positive thinking.
 I shared this with my husband. He gave me this spark. 'You can simply write on feeling empty in your mind.' Yeah now I got an idea to share with my readers.Thinking on it gives me the tips how to get rid off the fuzziness. Thank you my dear.
What to do when we feel blank in our mind and brain?
I just went for a flash back into my life. There were such situations some times being not in the present. Even some of my friends had shared their experiences getting blank.
What we need is to get a break from our daily routine. Your brain and mind need a recharge. This is a special time you need to love yourself to free you from the present situation and save you from fighting it. Within our limitations we have to plan. If we have enough time to spare can go for an outing to a favourite spot with your loved ones and have a total break. Here I have to act according the situation. Made a short plan to hand over the grandkids to their grandpa. Yes I need to have my own time to love me and take care of me. These are the things I am going to do now.
Have a glass of fresh lime juice with honey. Go for a walk for an hour with my best friend here to have a chat. Have a bath in warm water with little salt , jasmine essence and lime juice in it. Meditate for 15 minutes focusing on the breath, while inhaling taking positive energy and while exhaling throwing away the negative energy and thoughts in me. After the bath I can do the painting in my workbook which can make me feel passionate. Hope by that time I can be quite fresh and recharged. My plan will be back to the kitchen around 8 pm, prepare dinner and to have it with our loved one's and share my experience of the day and workout with them. Even the plans ahead, has started to energise me. Today I am busy. So sorry everyone, now let me leave. Good night all my dear friends!!!

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